Why am I still as horny as I was during puberty?


26 M

Okay, maybe not AS horny but very close at least.

I have always had an issue with pre-jac and have tried many things to improve it, I am seeing some progress but there is one thing that keeps holding me back and I’m not sure if it’s normal with other guys.

Whenever I’m with a woman, whether it be a date or just flirting at a bar – if she shows any sort of affection/interest toward me I’m almost immediately rock hard. It will stay this way, going up and down every 30 seconds all the way till we start kissing and then it’s standing 10 toes down the whole time after that. By the time my boy is called for action I am so worked up that I blow my load almost immediately. Even after sex I’m back at full mast within a minute.

I’ve tried jerking off (multiple times) before I go on a date but that doesn’t seem to help. I try to think of things that will make it go down but that doesn’t do anything either.

Is there a way to fix this? Will it pass in time? Do I just need to get laid more?

I’ve slept with around 20 women (about 75% were ONS) and it has been the case with all of them, even when I’m seeing a woman consistently it still happens.

Please let me know if you’ve dealt with this as well


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