Why am I suddenly squirting?


This is quite a strange question but I basically never squirted before – did not think it was possible for me to squirt and this isn’t just a question of technique because guys have tried to make me squirt in the past and have failed.

I was having sex for about 4 years and never squirted but literally the past couple months, I’ve started squirting from anything penetrative. Rather easily and basically every time. I’ve had sex with the same partner so it’s not necessarily that different guys have been able to and other guys haven’t although I have had new sexual partners in this time.

It’s not a problem or anything I’m insecure about but it’s more just confusing? What could have possibly changed? It now happens with basically no effort. I don’t really understand.

I’m 21F if that helps at all.

Do bodies just change like this?


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