why am i unable to have vaginal pleasure?


for starters let me be clear: im never anxious during sex, im not “stuck in my head”, via clit stim i can achieve orgasm quickly and easily, ive always been able to do this, the idea of intimacy really means nothing to me, i have a really high libido, i always use plenty of lube and only masturbate when im very aroused/wet/relaxed, im not on anti depressants.

ive tried absolutely everything, fingers, the come hither motion, different angles and positions, dildos of different shapes and sizes, g spot toys, toys that stimulate the clit and g spot at the same time, orgasming first and then attempting vaginal stimulation (this actually makes me feel worse and lose interest in sex), vibrators, a vibe on the clit during vaginal penetration. the list goes on. ive been trying for nearly 6 months frequently. the idea of sex and vaginal penetration turns me on, and the hopes that ill finally feel pleasure helps me get excited before i have sex or masturbate but nonetheless every single time i feel *no pleasure.*

i dont seem to possess a g spot or any “sweet spot” of any kind, no part of my vagina has erotic sensation at all. im not just talking about an inability to reach orgasm which is common for women, i mean i cant feel *any* pleasure. all of the things ive listed above do not change this lack of sensation. it feels the same as rubbing the inside of my cheek, i can feel something there but no pleasure at all.

whenever people talk about this people usually say you’re normal, but frankly i never see women say they get absolutely **nothing** out of penetration unless its a different problem entirely (shame, internalized misogyny, terrible husband/partner, low libido etc). i dont think its normal to be incapable of receiving any sexual pleasure from your genitals, or lack any sort of nerve endings in my vagina or lack any sort of g spot. im sexually frustrated and at my wits end, clit orgasms are okay but pretty unsatisfying. i guess im just doomed to be like this forever?


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