Why do I find any and everything about human curiosity sexually attractive?


The title is the meat and taters. I find something so profoundly hot about wanderlust and finding adventurous stimulation.

Pieces of art that I see sometimes, I find so fucking hot that a human brain created this piece with originality. Some primal horny instinct in me just turns right on when I view women hiking and traveling and seeing the world. I’m extremely attracted to women who have a passion for reading or appreciating artwork. Everything about this should be completely non-sexual and just a hobby people have. Sometimes I’ll even look at architectural beauties or the layout of the inside of a building and my mind just goes straight to “damn”.

The primitive instinct to explore, be curious and take in stimulating experiences makes me horny. Is this a weird or creepy mindset to have? I never act on this stuff or bring it up, I think the primitive part of my brain is just aroused by the curiosity of other people’s brain’s function and how artistically and culturally curious people are about each other and the world. Hell, even seeing people fire off intellectual and personal experiences right here on Reddit to other people who are curious to learn is hot to me.

Tl;dr: My brain is instinctively attracted to the general idea of genuine human curiosity and the relationships it creates through artwork, music, just anything generally humanly creative.


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