Why do I still find sex and nudity embarrassing at 28?


I’m trying to figure out my hang ups about sex, and it kind of comes down to thinking nudity is awkward and embarrassing. I know rationally it’s not, but at the same time we’re taught our whole lives to not be “sl*tty” and cover up and then suddenly you’re just supposed to be able to get naked and touch someone else’s naked body?

I want to get over my immature view on nudity but it’s difficult, I genuinely feel ashamed to ever be nude in front of anyone. I come from a culture where saunas are common and people are naked in them, but I’ve never gone to them after hitting puberty.

I’ve never had a boyfriend, I’ve gone one some first dates but didn’t want to keep seeing them because I knew that they would expect sex soon enough. I have sexual fantasies and masturbate, but have never done anything with anyone because I’m embarrassed.

I don’t understand why I’m so ashamed and feel weird about nudity. I didn’t grow up in a religious culture and none of my friends are like this.


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