Why do men jack hammer?


Hi Men, I’ve (57f) recently started a new relationship and the guy (58) is divine in every way, I adore him… but… when it comes to sex… if I’m on top and controlling the situation and speed, it’s perfect but when he takes control he’ll jack hammer like there’s no tomorrow. The speed does nothing for me at all and borders on uncomfortable, my bits are sore afterwards. I’ve only come across it twice now, is there a reason some men do this? Can you not orgasm unless it’s fast and furious or do you think it’s what we women like? I’ve spoken to my girlfriends and none of them enjoy it (but that might be me not talking to the right people). How can I gently tell him I don’t like his style? Is that possible if it’s the main way he gets off? I don’t want to ruin sex for him but equally I don’t enjoy lying there wishing he’d finish up quicker.


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