Why do women use lube?


I saw a tik tok video of a woman recommending some brand of lubricant she uses for sex. I don’t want to seem ignorant, but i really never had a problem with getting wet and if I’m not in the mood we are not going to have it as in my head i would consider that rapey without trying to be dramatic and would think it was inconsiderate of my partner to ask that of me as i am not in the mental space for that.
I don’t understand how some women still processed on to have intercourse if they are not aroused just in order to please their significant other.
If you as a woman are not aroused and not into it and you use lube just so your partner is pleased, like why?

And why is everyone accepting and saying oh some women can’t get wet, if they can’t why don’t they seek medical help? I feel like it is a medical issue or you are simply not attracted to your partner but the worse thing for me is having forced sex when you are not in the mood just in order to please your partner.

For anal i understand, I’m talking about vaginal sex.

Can you give me some insight?


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