Why does my abdomen involuntarily contract when I’m aroused?


This is probably a stupid question with a simple answer, but I (20 M) have been experiencing this weird behavior since I could get turned on, I think. I just sort of reflexively tighten my lower stomach for a good couple of seconds before relaxing it (like a painless soft convulsion or spasm), and it might keep happening a few more times. It has a similar feeling to the stretch reflex where your muscles contract when you stretch your body, but in this case, it’s just my abdomen that’s “stretching”. It generally happens when I’ve prolonged arousal without doing anything to relieve it (and I’ve normally had no intention of doing so). It has also occurred at the very beginning of arousal or when I’ve just started masturbating/having sex but usually when I’ve gone a long time without doing anything sexual.

Is this normal? Why does it happen? As far as I’m aware, it hasn’t been causing me any trouble of sorts, but, as a curious individual, I tried to look up why this happens but came up with zero results on this topic which is what worried me a bit.


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