Why does my body get “scared” during sex? Mentally I want it.


I (22f) have been having this weird thing happen the last few times I’ve had sex with my boyfriend (22). Mentally I really want to have sex but once it is started my body starts shaking like I’m scared. Then after we’re done, my body like forces me to start crying and I’m shaking. I had a miscarriage in January after accidently getting pregnant and I did NOT want to have a child. After the miscarrige I didn’t have sex for like 5 months. We slowly got back into having sex like once every 2 weeks. But lately the shaking and crying thing has started. Is this some sort of trauma from the miscarrige? Last night we had sex (I’m on my period so the fear of getting pregnant is like non existent), and the shaking and crying still happened. Is this maybe a compatibility issue with my boyfriend? He is never sexually forceful and respects me every single time I’ve said No.


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