Why is cumming 10x harder when im around my girlfriend?


So I (19M) recently lost my virginity to my gf and instead of cumming super quick, I kinda didnt feel much.

We have had sex like 3 times after that and she gave me head and stuff, but each time my dick wasnt really feeling much. Ill also go to finish myself off and its still the same feeling.

Like if im alone in my room I can cum pretty easily, and I dont watch porn anymore. But if im with her its ardous and I kinda have to focus to make myself cum.

Like even after she was giving me head for like 15 min straight my dick just wasnt really feeling anything.

Like is there a way to make myself more sensitive to sexual stimuli or is there something wrong with me?

Its frustrating because im finally having sex but I just dont feel like theres any build towards climax.

Im also not on any meds btw


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