Wife Admitted to Faking it for the last 14 years


Hey all, throwaway as my wife knows my main account. TLDR at the bottom. My wife and I have been together for 14 years, married 8. We’ve had some issues over the past couple years tied to having kids and other items that led me to seek a separation. We were separated but still living together for about a month and a half and during that time we both became very honest with each other. I admitted I was completely unsatisfied with our sex life especially in regards to her apparent lack of outward desire. She admitted that she was faking it most of the time.

I ended up having a near death experience and it sort of changed my perspective. I realized I really wanted to stay a family and I wanted to work on things to try and keep our home together. Since then my wife has been more proactive with sex to show she is working on things. I have no problems having sex with her in those instances because I want to have sex and cum. Outside of those occurrences I have 0 desire to do anything physical with her and I think that her faking has a lot to do with it.

I’m not sure if there is any working on this or not, I fear my brain is trying to keep things together but my heart has its own opinion. Any advice would be great.

TLDR: wife admitted to mostly faking and it has led me to not want to do anything physical with her


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