Wife wants me to be more dominate in bedroom…so she says…


Wife today and before in the past has said she wants me to be more dominating in the bedroom. This might sound odd but dont think she actually wants that. When i try i get an akward what are you doing? And by me being more “dominating” i think that means i do everything and she just lays there. I do need some sort of physical stimulation. Being dominate does nothing for me…but if it gets her going great. The last time i tried this i did tie her hands behind her back and blindfolded her to surprise her. But she then asked if i was hard and when i said no that was literally the end of that. Then probably followec by several weeks of nothing…

Tried the good girl thing…got an odd look..not a good one. A stop..did not like look. Spanking always says ow stop…again not in a playful way but a serious stop.

So im so lost on what to do here…literally anything here helps.


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