Wild Rabbit Salad Releases Their Newest Single “Love Child” @ Top40-Charts.com -Playlists


New York, NY (Top40 Charts) After charting top 10 in the national Indie Country charts, Wild Rabbit Salad is back with a new album “Ramblin” coming out this Summer. Their new single “Love Child” from the upcoming album debuted April 14th. Their new YouTube video is getting plays at a good clip, over 28,000 views in the first 3 weekw. Both the single and the album were recorded and produced at Lucky Run Studio in Houston, Texas.

Bucky on guitar and vocals and Marietta on vocals along with Willie Favero on Bass, Marty Naul and Steve Candelari on Drums and Howard Nampkin on Fiddle. Wild Rabbit Salad has been heralded as “One of the great under the radar Americana duos with a magic that makes even the somber sound celebratory. Mixing southern rock and classical chops this duo is expert at finding the sweet spot in ways you wouldn’t believe. Even finding the bridge between Hank and Townes, it could only have gestated in Texas. killer stuff.”

Mid West Record Entertainment. It’s a set unlikely to duplicate anything already on any musical menu. Associated Press, Steve Wine. “Bucky and Marietta fit together like grits and gravy, and zero in on backwoods wailing crossed with urban beauty. As the world spins in unpredictable ways music like this can be an anchor to the challenges that confront those with the courage to take them on. Start a fire.” Americana Highways, Bill Bentley. Love Child is available on all streaming platforms. 

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