Will a clit hood piercing help my SO stay on my clit?


Pls be kind. My husband of 16 years misses.

In the beginning I moved his hand, gave feedback, made requests. After 10-12 years got discouraged and mostly gave up. ***I know I can’t be the only one that has had this problem. Clit owners- somebody has had a partner drifting off to your labia or too low or what ever.***

Having crappy sex along w poor communication and co-dependent bullshit ended up with me having a sex aversion and both of us in a dead bedroom.

I am done living in a dead bedroom. But if I want good sex I have to address this again and it is so frustrating and demoralizing. I’ve been wondering if a clit piercing would help. Some dude in r/NoStupidQuestions suggested I print a picture and hand it to him w my clit circled during sex. At first I laughed, then I cried myself to sleep, and now I’m fucking considering it.

Anyone have a piercing (triangle or VCH esp) and have experience to share? Or had a partner w one? I married this guy and built a family w him. I’ve contemplated divorce bc the sex is not great and my directions don’t seem to make a dent in how he touches me. My clit is more of an “innie” and tucked in, my other partners never seemed to have an issue but he does…this is messing w my life.

I’m working on my communication skills and our relationship in general but I’m struggling with this. I am trying the same shit I did before- showing him, moving his hand, being vocal when he’s getting it right— but insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly expecting a different result, right?

I need suggestions. Either about the piercing or phrasing/action to address this. I am not willing to take shots at his confidence. Pls don’t suggest saying hurtful shit.

TLDR: does a clit hood piercing make the clit easier to stay on for a partner?


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