Woman Called a ‘Terrible Mother’ for Allowing Her Children to Cook and Chop Vegetables Under her Supervision – Memebase – Armessa Gifs & Memes


Everyone has their own style of parenting. We all know that there is no one superior way to raise your kids.


Some people have special rules in their homes, they refuse to use the word, “No” or they have strict punishments that include some serious introspection.


We are not here to declare one parenting technique as the best one because there simply isn’t one sure-fire way to ensure your kids grow up happy and healthy.


If you’re able to accept that there are a billion different ways to raise your kids, then m, maybe you’ll be able to realize that other parents are simply doing their best as well, and judging anyone that’s actually trying is not very cool.


It genuinely does seem online that there are helicopter moms and dads out there who would rather hyper-focus on other people and their ‘terrible’ parenting styles than actually tend to their own children’s concerns.


Seriously though, what parent has the time to stalk and leave hate comments on someone else’s TikToks? On the other hand, we suppose the fact that they do zero research before jumping to conclusions must aid them time-wise.


Say Hi to Laura (and one of her adorable kids, Jonah)


Lifestyle and parenting content creator @lauralove5514 has built a following of over 5.6 million by sharing little bits of her life, as well as adorable videos of her children of course.


One thing that she has become known for is letting her children begin to explore cooking. Sure, it can seem daunting to give your child a knife or allow them to be near a flame, but this is not Laura’s first rodeo, she makes sure everything is done safely and under her supervision.


Watch as she teaches her kids about chopping


Even though she is super clear with her instructions, people still tend to give her a lot of hate for even letting her kids touch any sharp objects. So finally she made a video explaining exactly what her kids are using.


Laura’s Response to the hate


As you can see, her kids are doing just fine and exploring a new hobby. So can we all try to relax a little?

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– Armessa Gifs & Memes


