Woman I’m dating thinks that I feel pain during sex and avoids it, she is interested and actively kisses me, but how on earth to mention and reverse this topic?


During sex she noticed that I was ticklish and thought that it was pain. I said it wasn’t but she still thought so.

Unfortunately I later (separately) mentioned a medical condition I have that causes sensitivity, but she took it as about the sexual thing.

And she basically said she didn’t want to initiate sex if the answer was going to be no, and it was difficult to respond properly at the time.

She seems to still like me, and pulls me in for a kiss and keeps going on dates and would touch my thigh and she has made several jokes about me having a big dick.

I’m trying to figure out a way to make it clear I don’t feel pain during sex. How would I bring this up in a way that doesn’t sound like a turn off or begging? Mention it as a joke during other things maybe?


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