Women sometimes say to me “you can do whatever you want to me” and then they get disappointed when I try to cuddle


Apparently “do whatever you want to me” actually means “I want you to read my mind and dominate me in a specific way that I like.”

I’m a burly 6’8 bearded tatted dude. Women assume I’m this rough daddy dom or something. But I’m a teddy bear. If you tell me I can do whatever I want I will cuddle you, eat you out, give you a massage, finger you, make out, etc. But this often disappoints women who say this to me who apparently expected me to know that “do whatever you want” meant “choke me” “spank me” and “call me a whore.”

This might be a specific to me problem but it’s come up enough that I just find it odd. It’s cool if you want a spanking but just say that! I can’t read your mind. I don’t want to slap you I want to hug you.


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