Wondering about how to manage my latex fetish in relation with my future kids.


I wanted to ask a maybe peculiar question which is related to fatherhood. My wife and I are planning on having our first baby soon. We are very excited and always wanted to become parents. I was thinking the other day about how impacted my life would be. From me-time reduction to finance planning. I came to a specific topic I was quite intrigued about and was sex life. Related to the title, my sex life is pretty much built up of 75% naked sex and 25%, as I name it, latex related sex. This 25% ends up being extremely relevant for me because of my highly driven fetish. This means that I do need latex in my life to have a satisfactory sex life. Unfortunately, my latex fetish isn’t satisfied with some latex shorts or light clothing, but rather full catsuits, bed latex sheetings, latex inflatable pillows and lots and lots of layerings (preparation time for an average latex night with my wife takes around 1 hr). We do this at least once a week and it’s pretty much one of the, if not the most important, highlights I always really anticipate for during workdays. I do need this in order for my relationship to work.

So, pretty much the problem is the following: I do believe latex nights can be manageable after pregnancy and pre- and post-partum hormones (Of course I never would pressure my wife to have them before the time is suitable for it. Probably concerned about the amount of time that will take before latex night can be a thing again, but ready to suck it up), but thinking on the long run, I don’t know how to be able to have latex nights and raising a child at the same time. I think the most problematic aspect is the fact that after a fetish night there is a LOT of latex to wash after (which I ritually handwash, rinse and dry which can take up to 3 days to fully dry up. I’m pretty autistic with hygiene) and the amount of volume storage takes around the house (currently living in Germany with 140 m2 of space, which isn’t as much if you think that maybe we are planning on having a “hidden room” later on). So, sooner or later I believe my child will find out that latex is being stored in the bedroom or hanged in our bathroom (I know that kids are extremely curious and even if a try really hard to hide this from him/her I better prepare for this situation to come, even though I’m really afraid of this. I don’t want to mess with my kid’s mind.) and I don’t know, at that point, how to explain it.

For all the fathers out there, have you already had a similar situation or confronted such an scenario this with your kids? Do your kids know about this? How did you communicate it?


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