10 Best ‘The Flash’ Villains, Ranked – Armessa Movie News


His name is Barry Allen, and he’s got some of the greatest villains on television. Since the show’s debut in 2014, The Flash has experienced a plethora of ups and downs as a television series. But one of the areas they’ve had a majority of their success in is their villain department.

When facing off against a hero like the Flash, a villain needs to have power like no other, and across the show’s 9-year run, audiences have been treated to the best of the best. Whether it be in Tom Cavanagh‘s ever-iconic Reverse Flash or the blazing Deathstorm, The Flash has had some menacing villains over the years.

10 Godspeed

Image via The CW

One of the newest Flash villains from the comics is the legendary Godspeed. Being astoundingly overpowered in the comics and garnering a very positive fan reaction upon his introduction, the tension was on when it came to introducing the character on the show.

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Due to these factors, many fans were never going to be pleased with how the character was handled. Whilst a lot of fans weren’t thrilled with the way the character was handled, there were many who also believed that the character worked well within the confines of the show’s context. The character still brought some great moments and fights to his run on the show and kept fans entertained.

9 Deathstorm

Deathstorm as seen on The Flash
Image via The CW

Some of the best superhero villains come from the intersection of a hero’s personal life and their superhero identity and few Flash villains capture that like Deathstorm. When Ronnie Raymond sacrificed his life to save the world in the first episode of Season 2, the last thing people expected was for him to make a return a whole six seasons later as a villain.

Deathstorm led to countless twists and turns regarding the truth behind his existence and some killer action sequences that gave Barry the chance to run on his own lightning for the first time, giving fans a wonderful treat of a villain. Getting to see Ronnie was great, but even better as this terrifying enemy.

8 Bloodwork

Bloodwork as seen on The Flash
Image via The CW

After the critical blow to the gut that was The Flash‘s fifth season and a mediocre fourth, fans didn’t enter Season 6 with high hopes. But one villain named Bloodwork changed that and served the show an insane comeback after such a lull.

Ramsey Rosso was attempting to cure HLH (a disease in which white blood cells can clump up and damage organs) with dark matter when he gained the meta-human ability to control blood itself. The character’s greatest strength was his influence, managing to be so convincing he even got Barry himself to turn against the Speed Force and turn into Negative Flash all in hopes of living through the prophetic Crisis, so he can see his dead daughter again in the future.

7 The Thinker

Image via The CW

The Thinker had big shoes to fill being the first primary villain of the show that was not a speedster. Whilst Flash had faced off against many non-speedster villains in the past, none had been a primary, season-long antagonist.

Being a villain without speed or strength, Clifford DeVoe made up for this with his intelligent mind. A majority of Season 4’s conflict came from DeVoe’s mind games and doing something no villain had done before by locking Barry Allen in prison after framing him for his own death.

6 Killer Frost

Killer Frost as seen on The Flash
Image via The CW

Another close friend of Barry Allen turned villain is Caitlin Snow, aka Killer Frost. Whilst her villainy in Season 3 didn’t stick around for long in the overall series, her evildoings amidst the Savitar plotline tarnished Caitlin’s reputation for a long time and hurt a lot of her good friends in ways no one else had.

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What made Killer Frost such a deadly villain is how much she knew about Team Flash, making her the perfect weapon to take down the group from the inside. If there’s anyone who hurt Barry and friends the most personally, it was their good friend Killer Frost.

5 Savitar

Image via The CW

At the time of Season 3’s release, Savitar got a bit of hate for not living up to the two wonderful villains prior. With nine completed seasons under their belt, Savitar feels a lot better as a villain looking back than he did in 2016.

The mystery behind Savitar was easily the most intriguing villain identity mystery of the series, feeling like an impossible puzzle to crack. Knowing everything Team Flash was going to do, exactly how they were going to do it, left many believing it to be characters like Wally West or H.R. Wells. But almost no one expected Barry Allen himself to be the season’s main antagonist. This alternate version of Barry Allen even landed Grant Gustin a nomination at the Teen Choice Awards for Best Choice TV Villain.

4 Gorilla Grodd

Gorilla Grodd in Legends of Tomorrow
Image via The CW

Since his big debut in The Flash Season 1, Episode 21, “Grodd Lives”, fans and critics knew Gorilla Grodd would be sticking around for quite some time. Being unanimously beloved in the comics and portrayed nearly perfectly in the show, Grodd would come to be a recurring guest villain every single season until the end of the series.

This telepathic gorilla is not only one of the Flash’s physically strongest villains but one of his mentally strongest as well. His telepathic meta-abilities allow him to have one of the most diverse list of powers on the entire show. If there’s a telepathic way to protect himself or harm another, Grodd can probably do it.

3 Captain Cold

Image via The Cw

Captain Cold is arguably the most well-known villain on the show besides the Reverse Flash and for very good reason. Much like Grodd, Captain Cold was so popular that he would appear in every season of The Flash before his inevitable demise as a hero and would still go on to be at least mentioned in every season aside from Season 8.

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Cold also went on to join the cast of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow where he would join other “side characters” in the CW Arrowverseto form a time-traveling team of misfits fighting for good. Even in death, Captain Cold became an absolute staple to not only The Flash series but the Arrowverse as a whole.

2 Zoom

Zoom as seen in The Flash
Image via The CW

Taking home the title of Flash’s scariest and deadliest villain is Zoom, which is a no-brainer. Hunter Zolomon, a serial killer from Earth-2 would become Flash’s most anxiety-fueling villain, and for very, very good reason.

Unlike Reverse Flash in Season 1, Zoom would make his debut fight against Barry as early as Episode 6. This wasn’t like any other fight, though. Zoom would go on to injure Flash worse than he would ever be injured in the series again… by breaking Barry’s back and paralyzing him. Zoom took the Flash’s legs, his greatest physical asset, and proceeded to drag his broken body across Central City and flaunt it like a trophy to show the city that their hero was merely a man and no hero.

1 The Reverse Flash

The Reverse Flash as seen in The Flash Season 1, Episode 15,
Image via The CW

It’s no question that the Reverse Flash is the Flash’s greatest villain in any medium, with this show being absolutely no exception. Eobard Thawne, the man who murdered Barry’s mother out of pure spite, is the Flash’s nemesis in every way possible. Aided by a beautiful performance from the incredibly talented Tom Cavanagh, the Reverse Flash is a fan favorite for good reason.

The Reverse Flash, unlike the other primary villains in other seasons, would return to the show in every season in one way or another, join the cast of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, and continuously attempt to destroy Barry’s life in one way or another. No villain ever had the same persistence, spite and villainy to compare to the Reverse Flash.

NEXT: 10 Best ‘The Flash’ Episodes, According to IMDb


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