10 Fiercest Foes the ‘Mighty Morphin Power Rangers’ Faced  – Armessa Movie News


They say that nostalgia never dies, and that is truly accurate when it comes to the amazing team forever and always known as the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers! What began over thirty years ago is still going strong today! The recently released one-hour Netflix special, ‘Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once & Always’ has proven that the series has endured the test of time.

With much of the original cast returning for this special event, these characters are still loved and adored all these decades later. With the tragic passing of Thuy Trang (the original Yellow Ranger) and more recently, Jason David Frank (original White and Green Ranger), this anniversary special serves as a beautiful way to honor their legacy in such a truly lasting franchise.

10 Cyclopsis

This truly epic foe was a truly evil War Zord that was utilized by Rita Repulsa and piloted by Goldar to try and overtake the Rangers. Rita used the Cyclopsis to attack the Earth eons ago before being imprisoned in the space dumpster. The power of the Cyclopsis far surpassed that of the Rangers, and they needed to dig deep to find the ability to battle him.

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Among the immense powers of the Cylopsis was much stronger than almost any other Ranger foe. His power and strength are far surpassing that of the Rangers’ Megazords. He has built-in weapons, such as missile batteries, a devastating laser eye, as well as hands that can be fired and used as giant tasers delivering electric shocks to the victim.

9 Ivan Ooze

Ivan Ooze in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie
Image via 20th Century Fox

A cruel and evil sorcerer and alien tyrant, Ivan Ooze was the main villain in the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers movie of 1995. While his origin is not necessarily known entirely, according to Zordon, the leader of the Rangers, Ooze was a horrifically evil figure who ruled the world with a reign of unrelenting terror.

Ooze had a strength almost unparalleled, taking a significant blast from Lord Zedd without even stumbling because of it. He could liquefy himself and squeeze through even sealed doors. He could shoot lightning from his fingers, could hypnotize his enemies, and could even materialize weapons out of thin air.

8 Master Vile

Master Vile from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Also known as Eldin, Master Vile was actually the father of Rita Repulsa and Rito Revulto. He embodies utter evil and wickedness. His intellect was masterful and his ability to strategize against the Rangers made him a very dangerous adversary. He could spit from his mouth eggs that would birth evil monsters.

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He could corrupt and control the Rangers’ Megazords so that they would fight against the Rangers and Angel Grove. He could teleport and make himself grow without any help from either Rita or Zedd. His strength was only eclipsed by his durability and his ability to withstand attacks.

7 Terror Toad

Terror Toad from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Likely one of the most interesting-looking villains, Terror Toad was a giant evil toad with the reputation of being something of a punk, as well. He had the ability to easily defeat 2 and 3 of the Rangers because of his significant powers, and at one point even consumed the Yellow Ranger.

He had a great ability to defend himself, shrugging off most of the attacks against him with no issue. He had a powerful defensive shield from his belly that could deflect even the most powerful of blasts. Ultimately, it was his ability to absorb the powers of the Rangers whenever he consumed them that made him almost unstoppable.

6 Rito Revulto

Rito Revulto

Rito Revulto is one of the most fascinating villains in Ranger history. The brother of Rita Revulsa, Rito stands at a commanding height and is a menacing-looking skeleton commander warrior. He wields a sword made of bone that is razor sharp.

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He had great power, at times even greater than Goldar or the Thunderzords. With his bone sword, he was able to knock down the Megazord with one swing. He could absorb Rita and Zedd’s lightning and grow into a giant. And like many of these other incredible foes, Rito had the ability to fire lightning from his eyes, causing incredible explosions.

5 Pudgy Pig

Pudgy Pig from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

While he didn’t look very scary, he basically looked like a pig snout with legs in a Spartan helmet, he was truly a force of evil to be reckoned with. He was likely one of the most well-known enemies of the Rangers, likely because of his ridiculous appearance, but also likely because of his interesting powers.

Pudgy Pig had an unlimited appetite and could consume food, things, and people consistently and constantly. He was able to inhale his victims by also using his ferocious whirling vortex, which brought everything to him. His fork and knife weapons added to the sinister power of eating his enemies.

4 Eye Guy

Eye Guy from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Created by the order of Rita, Eye Guy was truly an eye-catching villain. In what looks like a mix between an octopus, a crab, and a box full of googly eyes, Eye Guy is terrifying. There seemed to have been some sort of romantic attraction between Eye Guy and Rita, as he often called her “lovely” while exhibiting a great loyalty to her.

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He had multiple eye-popping powers, such as various lasers, beams, and blasts from his many eyes. He could regenerate and reassemble himself, so long as his main eye was still intact. He could also use his main eye to absorb human intelligence, which was his sole mission. He also had horrific claws for fingers that he used in fighting, which were just as deadly as they were creepy.

3 Goldar

Goldar from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

One of the few villains who had the ability and strength to take on the Power Rangers team on his own, Goldar was a mix of a gorilla and griffin battle warrior. With gold armor, majestic wings, and a killer sword, he looked every bit the part of a villain. He was just never a match for the Dino Megazord.

Goldar’s powers were endless, from being the fourth most powerful villain with immeasurable strength and agility to having the ability to teleport and summon the Putties, he was almost unstoppable. He also could shoot fireballs from his eyes, could make himself grow, and was a master swordsman.

2 Lord Zedd

Lord Zedd from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Anyone who decides to give himself the title of Emperor of Evil is bad news. Lord Zedd, however, did just that. He is the master and leader of the Evil Space Aliens and the main enemy of the Power Rangers. Before becoming her husband, Lord Zedd was the master of the equally awful Rita Repulsa.

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He had the ability to throw growth bombs and massively increase his monsters on earth as they battled the Rangers, he could teleport, could throw lightning blasts, and was an expert in hand-to-hand combat. His power was so immense that he could use his dark magic and overcome almost any Ranger battle he ever faced.

1 Rita Repulsa

Rita Repulsa from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

She is one of the two main enemies of the Power Rangers (the other being Lord Zedd). She is instantly recognizable by her pitchforked hair and her magic wand. She was immortal, could teleport, and use black magic for all types of evil.

Rita had the ability to summon storm clouds and cause earthquakes. She had the ability to brainwash, and once used that ability to turn the Green Ranger (Jason David Frank) evil to do her bidding. She could use her black magic and chanting to turn normal objects into monsters. She was truly terrifying.

NEXT: ‘Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once & Always’ Review: Netflix Special Doesn’t Know When to Give in to Camp


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