10 Memes That Perfectly Sum Up Red Hood – Armessa Movie News


After losing Batman, Gotham Knights has given underrepresented members of the Bat Family the most attention they’ve received in ages. Nightwing, Robin, Batgirl, and Red Hood have finally had the chance to feature in starring roles of their own.

Red Hood, especially, has needed some time to shine as he has a fascinating and rich character. The most brutal of the Bat Family, he can certainly carry a franchise of his own with ease. Yet, the character hasn’t gotten a lot of attention in mainstream media, however, the fanbase certainly loves him. The fans have made countless memes about Red Hood that sum him up perfectly.


A Logical Killer

Batman did his best to train the Robins to avoid killing even a single foe. After all, that would mean that they would lower themselves to the level of Batman’s most powerful enemies. Yet, after returning as Red Hood, Jason Todd was much less likely to comply.

After all, he realized that, by letting villains like the Joker live, Batman was just letting more people die in the long run. Even if they would increase the number of killers in the world by one, they could take out the worst killers and save the lives of thousands.

Created By The Joker

Red Hood is defined by his experiences with the Joker. After being a typical Robin, he was brutally killed by the worst of Batman’s rogues. From that point on, he no longer had the patience for Batman’s morals or his desire to reform the cruelest of his villains.

Red Hood might never have existed if not for the Joker, so it makes sense that he would be outright obsessed with the rogue. It was the moment where his life changed forever, and if he wasn’t preoccupied with the Joker, it would have been outright confusing.

Jason Todd Is Never The Favorite

As much as Batman would be loathed to admit it, it’s very clear that he was never wholly attached to Red Hood after he returned. After all, the two completely disagree about even the basics of life as superheroes. While Batman may feel guilty for how his previous Robin died, he certainly doesn’t like being around Red Hood.

Nightwing is not only a better fighter than the other Robins, but he is also much easier to get along with. As the first Robin, and the one who proved the most successful, it would be easy for Batman to overlook Red Hood for Nightwing. Still, it certainly contributes to Red Hood’s inferiority complex.

Never Had Batman’s Help

As much as Batman tried his hardest to save Jason Todd, he completely failed. Instead, Jason outright had to wait in agony before suffering a brutal death at the Joker’s hand. So, while Batman was certainly trying, Jason never had the chance to see that.

It was something that contributed to the dynamic that Batman and Red Hood would someday have. Red Hood never got to see the extent to which Batman cared for him, so he always felt unwanted, unneeded, and disrespected by the Dark Knight.

The Most Brutal Member Of The Batman Family

While Damian Wayne is one of the most powerful members of the Bat-Family, having been raised by assassins, even he isn’t as brutal as Red Hood. After all, Batman and Nightwing managed to convince Damian to lay down the swords and leave his foes alive. Red Hood isn’t so forgiving.

It means that Red Hood is the sole former Robin who is willing to run around with guns. Always happy to mock Batman and the other Robins for their mercy, he will kill his enemies and not waste even a second’s sleep dwelling over it. It just goes to show the extents Red Hood will go against his enemies.

Surprisingly Effective

Despite Batman patrolling Gotham through the decades, he has never actually succeeded in reducing crime. No matter how hard he tries, the criminals continue to hound the city, and the innocent citizens of Gotham City are the ones who suffer for his failures.

Yet Red Hood managed to bring about some change in Gotham. Having killed and replaced the worst of the gang leaders in the city, he completely disrupted organized crime. True comic book fans know Red Hood is entirely effective, even if Batman refuses to acknowledge it.

Rarely Progresses As A Character

As much as Red Hood is an interesting character, he hasn’t always been given the chance to develop into a more well-rounded character. Instead, he often finds himself in the same dark and traumatizing situations that leave him more furious than ever.

It’s a common problem in comics. After all, even the best DC Comics heroes are rarely given the chance to progress. Instead, they continue circling the same storylines time and time again. So, while Red Hood certainly suffers from it, he is far from unique.

Points Out Hypocrisy

The Bat-Family tends to have some pretty dubious morals, and Red Hood is always happy to point that out. After all, they may be happy to judge him for being willing to kill his enemies, yet they brutally assault even a villain’s goons and leave them with insurmountable medical bills because of it.

It can be hard to watch Batman beating henchmen senseless. Fans know that any henchman likely won’t be able to afford a hospital stay if they’re letting themselves work for villains like the Penguin. Even the worst things DC villains do isn’t enough to justify hurting their goons the way that Batman does, and Red Hood is always happy to call that out.

Killed By A Fan Vote

Red Hood only exists because the fans utterly despised Jason Todd as Robin. After all, Jason felt like a carbon copy of Dick, so many fans were happy to see him go, so that he might be replaced by someone else. The first time Jason had any real support was after he came back as Red Hood.

It was clear that the character desperately needed a revamp, but having fans outright vote for him to die was brutal. Jason Todd might not know how hated he was, but the perception certainly influenced the character all the same, as writers worked to make him completely different from Nightwing in every possible way.

Strong Opinions On Crime

Red Hood is a character who will never be satisfied until his enemies are dealt with. With too many criminals on the streets of Gotham City, he is a man on a mission. He will never rest or lay down his arms until every single monster can never hurt anyone else ever again.

While it’s somewhat of a noble quest, his methods are still incredibly brutal. If there are even four living criminals, he is not a man who will rest until they’re all gone. Afterward, there is no way to say what Jason Todd would do or even who he would become.

Next: 10 Memes That Perfectly Sum Up Batman & Robin’s Relationship


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