10 Minor Characters That Deserved Another Appearance, According To Reddit – Armessa Movie News


The Supernatural prequel series, The Winchesters, brought back a younger Mary and John Winchester. The CW has also confirmed Henry Winchester, a brief character in Supernatural, will be returning in the prequel in an upcoming episode.

Fans are excited to see Henry Winchester back in action after his untimely death in the original series. However, there were many other minor characters fans loved in the series that did not get as much screen time as they should have. These Redditors shared their opinions about which minor character should have received another appearance.



Magnus, originally known as Cuthbert Sinclair, was a rogue Man Of Letters that learned how to use magic. He mentored the brother’s grandfather, Henry Winchester, and created the wards in the bunker. In the series, he kidnaps Dean and tries to add him to his collection of magical items while he has the Mark of Cain.

At the end of this episode, Dean ends up killing Magnus with the First Blade. However, fans thought his character was interesting and should have had another appearance. Reddit user kh-38 said, “Not only would it have been cool to see Magnus again, but I wondered for a LONG time what happened to all the creatures in his collection.” Since he had a collection gathered over decades, it would have been interesting for the audience to see what he could do with so much power at his fingertips.

Jo And Ellen

Jo and Ellen standing side by side in Supernatural. 

Jo Harvelle was a secondary character fans wanted to see have her own spinoff. Her mother and she were both skilled hunters, and Ellen ran a bar specifically for hunters. They both died when they were helping fight off hellhounds with the Winchester brother.

Though they died, there are many characters that are brought back by different means, giving the show the opportunity to bring back essentially whoever they wanted. Reddit user mishacklecki said, ” we got Charlie back, they shouldve brought ellen and jo back – if charlie could survive in apocalypse world they would definitely be leading some sort of rebellion.” This fan thought the alternate world would have been a good opportunity to bring back these two feminist icons.


Ash sitting in front of a computer in Supernatural. 

Ash was one of the best side characters that fans immediately fell in love with. He was a quirky individual, but he was also a genius that helped with hunting by using his intelligence and computer skills. However, he died in season 2 when the demon Azazel burned Ellen’s bar to the ground.

As a fan-favorite, who briefly reappeared when the brothers visited Heaven in season 5, the audience would have liked to see him come back, in one form or another. Reddit user wstdtmflms said, “I’d like to see Ash again. Gotta think he’s been up to some weird, cool adventures in Heaven.” With Heaven a recurring setting in the series, it would have been possible for him to come back without actually being brought back to life.


Tara talking in Supernatural. 

Tara had a brief role in season 9, appearing as an old friend and lover of John Winchester’s. She helped Dean with the information she had on the First Blade. However, she was killed by a demon that was tracking the brothers and was brutally tortured for information.

Reddit user kh-38 pointed out why she should have lasted longer, stating, “The show desperately needs strong women, and I thought she had a lot of potential. I also liked her being a hunter who had a little history with John.” Tara brought some history and spunk to the series, and she would have filled a role that was desperately needed in the earlier seasons: a capable, strong female role.

Jesse Turner

Jesse Turner stares at someone in Supernatural

Jesse Turner was just forgotten about in the series, though he was an interesting and powerful character. While working on a case, Sam and Dean met Jesse and later learned he was an antichrist. At first, Castiel wanted to kill him because of the danger he posed but later allowed Jesse to disappear.

Toward the end of the series, Jesse would have been a young adult, but he was never brought back. Reddit user InFearn0 said, “Jesse would have a unique perspective to share with Jack if the two ever met.” Considering he had immense power similar to Jack’s, it would have been interesting to see him work alongside the Nephilim.


Cain tells his story in Supernatural

Cain was a complex character that acted as almost an anti-hero. At first, he helps Dean get the Mark of Cain so that he could wield the First Blade. However, later on, Cain begins killing off his descendants, believing they were tainted, forcing Dean to trap and slay him.

Cain wasn’t in the show often and for very long, but he was one of the most interesting and complex immortals they encounter. Reddit user WhiteWhiteBlackOne said, “He’s not minor by any sense, but he had wayyyyy too little screen time. Timothy Odmundson is an amazing actor and I think him serving in a mentor role to Dean would’ve been awesome.” Instead of making him a villain to the end, fans would have liked to see him work alongside the Winchesters, as many other villains had.

Henry Winchester


Henry Winchester was John’s long-lost father that comes from the past in season 8. He helps the brothers defeat Abaddon, but he receives a fatal wound and dies in the future, never making it back to his son who thought the man had abandoned him his whole life.

Henry’s storyline was heartbreaking but ended on a good note with him telling Sam and Dean he was proud of them and the son he never got to know. One Reddit user said, “I just wanted that he could just tell his boy that he didn’t [abandon] him.” It didn’t sit well with fans that John never learned the truth about his father, and they wish he could have been seen in some aspect, perhaps in Heaven, reconnecting with his son.


Bella holding a rabbits foot in Supernatural. 

Bela Talbot was an antagonist in the series, but one fans were particularly intrigued with. She stole cursed objects and sold them on the black market. She died in season 2 after the audience learns she sold her soul to a crossroads demon as a teenager to get rid of her abusive father.

Though she went to hell to be tortured until she became a demon, that didn’t have to be the end of her story. Reddit user amberotini said, “I wanted Bella to come back as a demon so bad. She was buddies with Crowley, and was so good at deals already.” Though Lauren Cohen’s role in The Walking Dead made it likely impossible for the actress to return, they could have brought Bela back in another body as a demon.


Charlie and Gilda standing together in Supernatural. 

Charlies Bradbury had one of the best arcs in the series, including her return after her initial appearance when she helped the brothers defeat an evil LARPer that was holding the fairy, Gilda, captive and using her powers for evil. After her master was killed, Gilda went back to her realm and was never seen again.

Though she had a brief role in a side episode, fans loved the connection between her and Charlie and wanted to see Gilda come back for more adventures. Reddit user bethlehemcrane said, “She and Charlie had an awesome story that they just dropped. I wish we had more of her.” Charlie was the LGBTQ+ representation in the series, and some audience members would have liked to see her have a happy ending with this intriguing character.


Ben with Dean in Supernatural. 

Ben reappeared a few times throughout the series as the son of Dean’s love interest, Lisa. After Sam was trapped in Lucifer’s Cage, Dean lived with Lisa and Ben for a year, becoming a father figure to the now-teenager. However, when they are put in danger, later on, Dean has Castiel wipe their memories of him.

Fans were disappointed when Lisa confirmed Ben was not Dean’s son, as the Winchester had initially suspected, and wanted to see it revealed that he actually was a Winchester. Reddit user MuchAdo330 said, “I just think it would be so great to have 23 year old Ben show up and be a hunter.” Even if the showrunners didn’t make Ben a Winchester child, it would have been interesting to see how his experiences with Dean affected him as an adult instead of his mind being wiped and never being seen again.

Next: One Quote From Each Supernatural Main Character That Goes Against Their Personality


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