10 TV Romances That Got Worse Over Time – Armessa Movie News


In the series Dead to Me, which just finished its third and final season, one of the most important dynamics is that between Jen and Ben.These two people unexpectedly find in one another the kind of emotional sustenance and fulfillment that they have so long struggled to attain in their previous relationships.

Indeed, if there is one thing that television does well, it is romance, and there are a number of such beloved romances that have occurred throughout its history. For every beautiful coupling, however, there is another couple that gets progressively worse over time.


10/10 Kurt And Blaine

Though Glee might be one of Ryan Murphy’s best productions, it has its fair share of flaws. Most notably, it tends to maintain some of its couples, long past the point where they make sense together. This is particularly true of Kurt and Blaine who, to the surprise of very few, end up being one of the series’ final couples.

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This is unfortunate, because as becomes clear in the later seasons in particular, they just aren’t suited for one another. They grow too far apart and, just as importantly, they don’t seem to understand one another’s emotional needs, a fact reinforced by the long-distance nature of their relationship. Though they do end up getting married, this feels more forced than organic.

9/10 Kelso And Jackie

That 70s Show Kelso and Jackie looking at each other

That ‘70s Show remains one of the most beloved sitcoms of the 2000s. And, like many such series, it features a number of couples, one of the most notable of which was Jackie and Kelso. At first, they seemed like the perfect couple, since they are both, when it comes down to it, rather shallow and self-centered people.

However, while Jackie ultimately changed and developed, becoming a more well-rounded character, Kelso remained largely the same. What’s more, whatever his feelings may have been for Jackie, the ugly reality was that he didn’t respect her at all, and this only became more obvious as their relationship went on.

8/10 Eric And Donna

Eric and Donna on a date

Of course, the most important relationship in That ‘70s Show was the one between Donna and Eric. For a time, it seemed as if they might be one of the series’ final couples, and there was a great deal of chemistry between the two.

However, as it went on, it became clear that, in many ways, they simply weren’t suited to one another. They wanted different things out of life and, in the final analysis, Eric ended up being just too limiting for Donna. Though watching them part ways was sad, it was nevertheless something that was necessary.

7/10 Carrie And Big

Carrie and Big face to face

Big’s death in the series And Just Like Thatwas one of the most shocking events on recent television. It also marked the definitive end of his relationship with Carrie, a dynamic that had long been key to the emotions of Sex and the City.

However, even fans would have to admit that theirs was a relationship that only got worse as it went on. It was often hard not to feel as if Carrie was limiting herself by going after a man who was incredibly emotionally unavailable and never really treated her as if she was a priority in his life.

6/10 Ross And Rachel

David Schwimmer as Ross and Jennifer Aniston as Rachel in Friends, on plane

While Friends might be regarded as one of the best sitcoms in the history of the genre, it had its fair share of problematic relationships. Arguably one of the most toxic of these was the one between Ross and Rachel, which is perhaps the most notable, and longest-running, instance of will-they-or-won’t-they in the history of television.

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Iconic though their romance might be, it is also one of those that seemed to only get worse over time. In particular, neither seemed willing to take the necessary leap of faith to make it work (at least not until the very end), and this dynamic came to wear very thin during the show’s later seasons.

5/10 Otis And Maeve

Asa Butterfield and Mimi Keene as Otis and Maeve in Sex Education Season 4 Header

Sex Education is arguably one of the best series on Netflix. With its frank discussion of the role that sex plays in the lives of adolescents, it is unlike almost anything else on television, and it features a number of complex relationships.

Of these, the most notable is that between Otis and Maeve. Though for a time they seemed like one of the series’ final couple, the cracks soon emerged in their relationship. Otis, in particular, seemed unable or unwilling to accept that Maeve was a fully functioning adult with her own desires. Ultimately, they seemed to bring out the worst rather than the best in one another.

4/10 Bill And Sookie

Bill and Sookie about to kiss.

Whatever the oddness of its storytelling logic in its later seasons, True Blood is notable as one of the most prominent series about vampires. Those who followed the series from the beginning recognized that Sookie and Bill were a very important couple, arguably the most central to the series’ overall story.

However, it was clear from about the third season on that they simply weren’t going to work. In part, this was a function of the series’ writing, which seemed quite unsure in which direction it wanted to take their dynamic. When the series ends with Sookie at last staking Bill and granting him a merciful death, it came as something of a bittersweet relief.

3/10 Leo And Grace

Grace in the hospital with Leo and a nurse

To this day, Will & Grace remains one of the most notable shows about LGBTQ+ people. However, it also has the dubious distinction of having one of the worst on-screen couples, in the form of Grace and her husband, Leo.

From the moment he appeared, Leo was something of a chaos agent, souring the strong friendship that existed between Grace and Will. What’s more, Grace and Leo also seemed to bring out the worst in one another, and they never seemed to be a good fit. As their lives pulled them further and further apart, it came as no surprise when they eventually split (though they did get back together, only to once again split in the time between the original series and its reboot).

2/10 Ray And Debra

Ray and Debra on the stairs

Everybody Loves Raymond is a quintessential 1990s/early 2000s sitcom. While its central couple, Ray and Debra, clearly love each other, it has to be said that they get worse and worse as the series goes on.

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In large part, this can be attributed to Ray’s bumbling nature and his absolute refusal to stick up for his wife in the face of his mother’s meddling. For her part, as the series goes on, Debra very visibly grows more embittered toward her husband and their life together, giving this sitcom a darker bite than is usual in the genre.

1/10 Ted And Alexis

Alexis and Ted in Schitt's Creek

For all that Schitt’s Creek is one of the best feel-good shows, it also dives into some rich emotional territory, particularly when it comes to its relationships. One of the most notable of these was the one that emerged between Ted and Alexis.

When these two finally got together, it seemed as if they had finally found happiness. Unfortunately, their personal lives and professional journeys took them in very different directions, and it became clear that, however much they loved each other, it just wasn’t going to work. In their case, the process of their getting worse was a matter of deep and rich emotional tragedy.

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