10 Vampires Fans Want to See Buffy Summers Slay (Or Team Up With) – Armessa Movie News


Buffy the Vampire Slayer is perhaps the most iconic hunter of supernatural entities in the history of horror fiction, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t also team up with said entities from time to time. For instance, Buffy’s best friend was a witch named Willow, a close ally was a werewolf named Oz, and a long-time Scooby Gang affiliate was Angel, who was a literal vampire. Plus, there’s Spike, who was a despicable vampiric villain – except when he wasn’t – who would align himself with Buffy and the Scooby Gang as well.

Basically, Buffy Summers was no stranger to teaming up with the very creatures she was meant to be hunting. While this made for captivating storytelling, it also gives one pause to wonder: if Buffy can team up with in-world monsters (specifically vampires), who else would she team up with from other universes? And what other vampires from those universes would she be forced to kill instead? While that’s an impossible question to answer, it’s still a lot of fun to speculate. So, here are the Top 10 comic book vampires Buffy would either slay or team up with!

10 Team Up: Blade

While it’s true that Blade is technically a dhampir and not a full-blood vampire, the prospect of the two of them teaming up is too exciting not to include. Blade is a Marvel Comics antihero (with Blade debuting in The Tomb of Dracula #10 by Marv Wolfman and Gene Colan) who has had a number of comic book titles depicting his action-packed adventures – not to mention one of the most popular comic book movie franchises pre-MCU. Blade teams up with the likes of the Avengers, as well as more unsavory vigilantes like Ghost Rider and the Punisher. This means he’d absolutely accept the help of Buffy Summers if their paths crossed, just as she would assuredly love to fight vampires alongside another expert.

9 Slay: Twilight

How Twilight changed traditional vampires

Truthfully, there’s no real reason Buffy would slay these vampires. They rarely kill people, they have their own government that keeps them in-line with human laws, and their baseball skills are absolutely stellar. But, since every one of these entries is a fan service anyway, it seems like the vast majority of Buffy the Vampire Slayer fans would love to see their badass heroine just slaughtering these sparkly edgelords. And because of the Twilight graphic novel by Stephenie Meyer and Young Kim, Edward and the gang were free to be included on this list (much to their assured dismay).

8 Team Up: Morbius

image from the 2022 film Morbius featuring Jared Leto as Michael Morbius with his powers manifesting

This entry is sure to have Buffy saying, “It’s Morbin’ Time!” as there’s absolutely no reason she wouldn’t team up with Morbius if she found herself back in the Marvel Universe (after the previous hypothetical adventure she would have had with Blade earlier on this list, of course). Michael Morbius – who first appeared in Amazing Spider-Man #101 by Roy Thomas and Gil Kane – might have originated as a villain-of-the-week for Spidey, but eventually became a vigilante who would oftentimes work alongside both Spider-Man and Blade. If Morbius was on a mission trying to either stop villainous vampires or perhaps even cure his own horrific condition, Buffy would absolutely lend him her services.

7 Slay: 30 Days of Night

30 Days of Night vampires.

The vampires in 30 Days of Night (by Steve Niles and Ben Templesmith) are a totally different caliber than what Buffy is used to. Sure, the vamps in her universe can be bloodthirsty monsters, but they’re not as viciously ravenous and utterly gruesome as these vampires. In fact, some fans have attributed them more to rage-infected zombies than classic vampires due to how gory their feeding frenzies have been shown to be. If Buffy found herself in this universe, she would have a moral obligation to wipe these horrific creatures from the face of the Earth.

6 Team Up: BloodRayne

Rayne from BloodRayne.

Rayne from the BloodRayne comic book series based on the popular video game franchise (published by Digital Webbing) is another dhampir like Blade who revels in killing wicked vampires. Given that Rayne is arguably just a more mature version of Buffy Summers herself (speaking in broad terms, of course), it only makes sense that the two of them would team up for the same reason Buffy would fight alongside Blade. The sheer awesomeness and utter badassery these two would generate during a vampire hunt would be a treat for fans the likes of which they’re likely not prepared to handle.

5 Slay: Fright Night

Fright Night vampires.

The vampires of Fright Night range from old school and classy creatures of the night, to new-age, punk rock vamps who relish in their sadistic kills. However, the common denominator between them is their complete soullessness when it comes to their victims, which means Buffy would have absolutely no reason not to slay them. This is especially true when considering the first Fright Night comic series (by Joe Genitle and Lenin Delsol) was an adaptation of the original ‘80s film, complete with the wicked antics of Jerry Dandrige and ‘Evil Ed’. Terrorizing neighborhood kids and even turning them into vampires? Not cool. And Buffy would certainly put a stop to it if she found herself in that world.

4 Team Up: Night Club

Night Club vampires.

Night Club by Mark Miller and Juanan Ramírez flipped the usual ‘vampire’ stigma by portraying a gang of vampiric youths who use the supernatural powers to fight street-level criminals who prey on the most vulnerable late at night when they think nobody’s watching. These vampires are essentially vigilantes – complete with their own unique ‘superhero’ masks – who are actually making their city a safer place to live. If Buffy was transported to the Night Club universe, she would definitely join forces with these particular vampires.

3 Slay: American Vampire

American Vampires.

While there are certainly vampires in American Vampire (by Scott Snyder and Rafael Albuquerque with Stephen King) who Buffy would fight alongside, the overall world of this series would be better off if she put an end to their incredibly dangerous existence. For instance, the series focuses on a new American bloodline of vampires who are impervious to sunlight, are way stronger than the classic strain, and whose bloodlust is equally insatiable. Stronger vampires without the usual weaknesses? That would spell trouble, and would definitely warrant Buffy’s attention.

2 Team Up: Vampironica

Archie Horro's Vampironica.

Archie Horror’s Vampironica #1 by Meg and Greg Smallwood follows Veronica Lodge from the classic Archie Comics as a vampire. The same lovable rich girl from Riverdale, just with a new taste for blood. For the most part, Veronica is mostly shown navigating her new life as a vampire in relatively kid-friendly fashion, with some stories taking her to alternate realities where she has to battle werewolves and other manner of supernatural entities. The series is actually incredibly similar to that of Buffy the Vampire Slayer given the high school setting and the obvious prevalence of vampires and other monsters, so it’s a given that Buffy would team up with Veronica – they’d probably have a great time hanging out together, too!

1 Slay: Rick and Morty: “Let the Rick One In”

Rick and Morty vampires.

This isn’t to say Buffy would kill Morty and Summer after they became vampires, she just wouldn’t team up with them given their almost immediate acceptance of their new, murderous lifestyles. In Rick and Morty: “Let the Rick One In” by Kyle Starks and Marc Ellerby (which is a direct sequel to the Rick and Morty season 2 episode “Big Trouble in Little Sanchez”), the horde of vampires Coach Feratu was a part of goes after the Smith family for revenge, and they manage to turn Morty and Summer. If Buffy was in this universe, she would have absolutely teamed up with Rick and the other Smiths, but in doing so, she would have slayed an entire horde of vampires while trying to save two in particular who didn’t necessarily want to be saved. While Rick had things handled pretty well, the vampires in this story would be in even more trouble if Buffy had been there too.

While it seems unlikely fans will actually ever get to see these crossovers in any official capacity, it’s still incredibly fun to hypothesize based on what fans know about Buffy as well as the many universes inhabiting vampires she’d hypothetically travel to. And so, based on how she would likely react in each case, these are the Top 10 comic book vampires Buffy the Vampire Slayer would either slay or team up with.


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