10 Wild Pixar Plot Twists Even Adults Didn’t See Coming – Armessa Movie News


Pixar movies may be for children, but some of their best plot twists surprised even adult audiences. The Disney studio has established a specific formula over the years to the point that it’s typically easy to guess what will happen. However, the writers for movies like the Toy Story sequels, Coco, and Monsters Inc seemed to have recognized this and used audiences’ expectations to twist the plot more unexpectedly.

The most common Pixar plot twist is the surprise villain trope, which reveals that a seemingly nice character has been the bad guy all along. Between this and Disney’s promise of happy endings, it has become pretty easy to guess how the plot will shake out. Of course, this isn’t too big a deal for children’s movies. More often than not, young audiences will enjoy a story even if the ending is easy to guess. However, kids aren’t the only ones enjoying these films, and with every new Pixar movie or sequel, the studio has gotten better at diverting adults’ expectations.

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10 Evelyn Deavor Was The Screenslaver In The Incredibles 2

A masked villain is pretty much always going to wind up being someone the central protagonist knows, so the Screenslaver twist in The Incredibles 2 was no surprise in this regard. However, what made the Evelyn Deavor reveal so intriguing was that—one—she wasn’t the person behind the mask—and two—her brother Winston seemed to be the most likely candidate. Also, Bob Odenkirk’s Incredibles 2 character had an obsession with Mr. Incredible that seemed to mirror that of young Buddy (Syndrome) from the first Incredibles movie—something that Pixar was likely very aware of.

9 Stinky Pete Could Escape His Box In Toy Story 2

Stinky Pete out of his box in Toy Story 2

The kindly character turned villain trope is one that Pixar audiences have grown conditioned to, but when Toy Story 2 was released in 1999, it hadn’t yet become so common. Throw in the fact that Stinky Pete was supposed to be stuck in a box and that audiences weren’t necessarily looking for an additional villain, and the character’s sudden betrayal was a significant surprise. Of course, this type of twist has become one that Toy Story especially has embraced, so it would be much less of a shock today.

8 Anton Ego Wasn’t Really A Villain In Ratatouille

Anton Ego eats the ratatouille and remembers his childhood

A typical Disney villain twist (as introduced in Pixar movies like Toy Story 2) is a likable character surprising audiences by being the bad guy. However, Ratatouille turned this around by taking the villain and revealing that he was never really all that bad. The 2007 Pixar film never tried to hide its antagonists. From the beginning, it was clear that Chef Skinner was out to get Linguini and his rat—and Anton Ego seemed to be precisely the person to help him do it. However, the film ultimately revealed that Ego wasn’t mean—just passionate about food.

7 Doc Hudson Was A Piston Cup Winner In Cars

Cars - Doc Hudson and Lightning McQueen driving together

Cars was Pixar’s version of a classic “rookie athlete” story, which meant Lightning McQueen would end up with a wise old mentor to teach him the real meaning of life. From the moment the overly-confident racecar met Doc Hudson in Radiator Springs, it was clear that this was the character for the job. Lightning needed a lesson on the simpler things in life, and there was no better person or place to help him realize that his success wasn’t everything. What was unexpected, however, was that Doc would end up being a former recipient of the exact honor that Lightning McQueen was so desperate for—it was a great touch.

6 Mr. Waternoose Was The Villain Of Monsters Inc

Mr. Waternoose Coffee Break (1)

Randall Boggs was the clear villain of Monsters Inc from the very beginning. He had evil written all over his squinty face, and his jealousy of Sully made it all the more apparent that he would cause some trouble. Still, he wasn’t the mastermind type, so it was no surprise that there was someone above him pulling the strings. This was where Mr. Waternoose came in. Audiences might have suspected him from the beginning, but when he genuinely seemed for a moment to be helping Mike and Sully get Boo back through her door, it took the heat off of him for a moment. Of course, he then tossed Mike and Sully through a door to banishment.

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5 Woody Doesn’t End Up With Andy In Toy Story 3

Toy Story 3 Ending Andy Bonnie Woody (1)

Toy Story 3 copied the same twist as its predecessor—the kindly old toy was the villain. This meant that Lotso’s reveal was predictable, but that isn’t to say that there weren’t surprises in store. Since the previous Toy Story movies had been about Woody’s loyalty to Andy always getting him back to the boy in the end, the only question of this sequel was how. The fact that Woody chose to go to a new home instead completely diverted the ending of every previous installment of the franchise.

4 Lightning McQueen Doesn’t Finish His Final Race In Cars 3

Cars 3 Lightning McQueen and Cruz Ramirez (1)

Like Toy Story 3 took viewers by surprise by using the end of previous installments against them, Cars 3‘s most effective plot twist came from the fact that it was always expected that Lightning McQueen would win the final race. Lightning had been determined to prove that only he could decide when he was done racing, and everyone expected him to pull through in the end. The fact that he instead willingly stepped out of the race and allowed Cruz to take his place satisfied the movie’s themes in an entirely unexpected way.

RELATED: Cars 3 Easter Eggs & Pixar Connections

3 Mike & Sully Get Expelled In Monsters University

Mike and Sully work in a mail room in Monsters University (1)

A prequel like Monsters University should have been easy to figure out since audiences already knew the outcome of Monsters Inc. However, Pixar still managed to throw in a surprise. Since Mike and Sully both worked for a scaring company in the original movie, it seemed obvious that the two would manage to graduate from the scaring program (which they were both competing to be a part of). However, the film instead revealed that the duo had been expelled from the titular Monsters University, and they had started at Monsters Inc by working in the mail room.

2 Ernesto De La Cruz Murdered Hector In Coco


Since Miguel’s great-great grandfather’s face had been removed from his picture in Coco, it was obvious that Ernesto De La Cruz’s guitar was meant to be misleading. Then, when Hector was introduced, it seemed that the movie’s ending had fallen into place—Miguel would realize the truth, remind Mama Coco of her father, and all would be well in the end. Of course, things took a far darker turn than just this, and it was revealed that De La Cruz wasn’t just not Miguel’s relative, but that he had murdered the man who was.

1 Roz Was The Boss Of The CDA In Monsters Inc

Roz From Monsters Inc

Once Mr. Waternoose was revealed to be the villain of Monsters Inc, no one expected another twist. Of course, the movie delivered on one anyway with the reveal that Roz, the cranky secretary, was the boss of the CDA (Child Detection Agency), working undercover to investigate the strange goings on at the company. It didn’t hold much bearing in the overall plot, but this made it one of Pixar‘s best and most unexpected plot twists.


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