17 Best Scarface Quotes – Armessa Movie News


Brian De Palma’s 1983 crime drama masterpiece called Scarface is full of various tiny details, and the variety of quotes is only one element that contributed to making the film a cult classic. The origins of Scarface can be traced back to the infamous Al Capone, who inspired the whole thing. Tony Montana’s actions might be questionable (just like the actions of many other characters in the film), but his words often bear wisdom. There’s a wealth of content to pick from when it comes to quotes, and here are some of the absolute best.

Scarface is a movie that still packs a punch after 40 years. The movie has been such a big part of pop culture these last several decades that many of its quotes remain in the minds of fans and are endlessly repeated. From Tony Montana’s unforgettable speeches and proclamations to the other dangerous and fascinating characters in the movie, these remain the most memorable quotes in Scarface.


“You Want A Job, Ernie?”

Tony Montana

Mercy is not an attribute that many people would associate with Tony Montana, but even he can be in a charitable mood at times. After confronting his former boss Frank and the corrupt cop Bernstein, Tony executes them both in cold blood.

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It would seem likely that his massacre would extend to the men who worked for Frank, but when Tony steps up to the terrified henchman Ernie, he offers him a job which Ernie gratefully accepts – as if he really had a choice.

“I Only Tell You Once. Don’t F*** Me, Tony. Don’t You Ever Try To F*** Me.”

Alejandro Sosa

Part of the thrill of watching the movie is seeing Tony continue to climb to new levels of success in the drug world. As vile and violent as he can be, it is hard not to root for him a little. But when he meets Sosa, it seems that Tony has come across someone that may be too powerful for him.

Sosa is perhaps the most intelligent character in Scarfaceand he seems to take Tony under his wing in some way. But his warning to Tony hints that he is not someone who can be crossed lightly and sets up the inevitable end of Tony Montana.

“All I Have In This World Is My Balls And My Word, And I Don’t Break ‘Em For No One!”

Tony Montana

Al Pacino

Unsurprisingly, Tony delivers Scarface‘s best quotes, many of which highlight his own warped ideas of the world. After Sosa exposes Tony’s accomplice Omar as a police informant and hangs in from a helicopter, he turns his interrogation on Tony to find out if he’s the real deal, or just another narc in disguise.

Tony immediately responds with this quote before challenging Sosa to work with him, or make a move against him. It’s enough to convince Sosa that Tony is a man of his word, even if his feelings towards Tony’s boss are less than desirable. Tony presents himself as a man of principles as odd as it may seem given his many other flaws.

“Every Dog Has His Day.”

Tony Montana

Al Pacino

When Tony’s drug lord employer Frank gets tired of his newfound independence and ambition, he plans to have him killed to protect his empire. After a hit job that goes sour, Tony returns to confront both Frank and the crooked cop Bernstein who orchestrated the hit.

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After making Frank beg for his life to the point where he’s kissing Tony’s shoes, he’s killed by Manny after briefly being given false hope for a second chance. After the deed is done, Tony sits down and utters this quote to call an end to an era. Seeing him rise to his new seat of power is both an exhilarating and chilling moment.

“The World, Chico, And Everything In It.”

Tony Montana

When Tony began taking his first steps into a much more dangerous world, his ambition and arrogance were amplified to the point where he began seeing himself as unstoppable. This was shown in a scene of Tony driving with Manny in the passenger seat, conversing about their newfound employer.

Clearly unsatisfied with what he already has, Tony explicitly says that he wants what’s coming to him, prompting Manny to ask. What follows is this quote, one of the most popular in the film. It shows that perhaps there is no stopping Tony after all, or at least no satisfying him.

“You Need People Like Me So You Can Point Your F***in’ Fingers And Say, ‘That’s The Bad Guy!’”

Tony Montana

Tony Montana delivers his famous Say Goodbye to the Bad Guy speech in Scarface

A drunk and angry Tony flips out in the middle of dinner and causes his wife Elvira to storm out in rage. When the chaos dies down and the rest of the patrons sit there staring in disbelief at what just transpired, Tony turns and addresses them with this quote.

It’s a moment of self-reflection for Tony that he twists in order to justify his criminal behavior. Rather than take responsibility for his unwillingness to utilize the American dream in a positive way, he chastises those who look down on him. It helps to make Tony more than a straightforward gangster character and into something more interesting.

“Every Day Above Ground Is A Good Day.”

Mel Bernstein


Though not a major role in the movie, Mel Bernstein is one of the most interesting characters. He is not intimidated by Tony and seems to have a laid-back view of this dangerous world in which he finds himself. He also delivers one of the most interesting lines. It can be considered both optimistic and pessimistic at the same time.

From one side, it’s great to think about life in such a positive way and value every day of life. But from another side, making survival the ultimate aim rather than actually living a healthy life might not be the best thing to do.

“Okay, Here’s The Story. I Come From The Gutter. I Know That. I Got No Education, But That’s Okay.”

Tony Montana

Scarface's scar

This monologue Tony feels obligated to say is not only perfect for explaining his story but also fits the lives of many viewers. Not everyone is born into a good family or gets the right education and opportunities, but that’s okay.

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It is easy to forget that Tony’s story is a rags-to-riches tale, albeit one with a lot of violence. He has ambition and determination that overcomes his humble beginnings, making it a movie where the underdog becomes the villain.

“Who Put This Thing Together? Me, That’s Who! Who Do I Trust? Me!”

Tony Montana

Al Pacino as Tony Montana in Scarface

The sad thing about the world, and particularly the criminal world, is that they can’t trust anyone but themselves. Of course, it’s much stricter with the world Tony knows, but there are many unreliable people in the real, off-screen, and non-criminal world too.

Part of the reason that Tony became such a success was because of his self-made drive and unwillingness to work for Frank. But as his pride in the empire he has built grows, his arrogance leads him to not trust those around him.

“The Only Thing In This World That Gives Orders Is Balls.”

Tony Montana

Al Pacino

As vicious and bloodthirsty as Tony can be, he is also a wonderfully goofy character at times. Some of the things he says are so ridiculous that they are hard not to laugh at. This includes this memorable statement about what motivates him.

Tony often talks about how he is his own man who cannot be controlled, manipulated, or overpowered by others. But he also seems to admit that he has some of those very simple motivations that most men have.

“Don’t Get High On Your Own Supply.”


In her breakout role, Michelle Pfeiffer is terrific as Elvira, Frank’s wife who is simultaneously intrigued and disgusted by Tony. And despite being in a world where men believe they have all the control, Elvira isn’t shy about adding her own commentary at times.

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When Frank gives Tony a lesson on how to succeed in this line of work, Elvira also offers her own rule. In another example of foreshadowing, breaking that rule is something that comes very easily to both Tony and Elvira in the future.

“You Know What Capitalism Is? Getting F***ed!”

Tony Montana

Just like in The Godfather, Scarface can be seen as a warped story of the American dream. Tony himself has many views on American society and how things actually work. He is not discovering America here, but he is also being quite concrete and to the point with his statements.

His unfavorable views on capitalism offer a glimpse at his own unique outlook on the world as well as the unintentionally funny aspects of his character. He can say such things about capitalism yet he has no regrets about how he makes his money.

“You Think You Kill Me With Bullets? I Take Your F***ing Bullets! Go Ahead!”

Tony Montana

Scarface‘s best scene is the final scene and one of the most action-packed movie finales of all time. It also shows Tony at his most unhinged. Fueled by cocaine and rage, Tony appears more than a man.

As he stands atop his balcony firing down at the army of enemies, he begins shouting defiantly at them. Even being hit multiple times does nothing to stop the energy and relentless defiance of Tony. It is a gloriously over-the-top moment.

“I’m Tony Montana! You F*** With Me, You F***in’ With The Best!”

Tony Montana


Tony Montana is not a movie character who should be admired, but when he shows no fear when facing down an entire army, he certainly becomes an entertaining figure. Not only does his fear not show in this moment, but his ego doesn’t deflate one bit.

Even if this scene is the end for the character, he does prove that he is “the best.” Simply by standing up to Sosa’s army in the way that he does, Tony cements himself as this mythological kingpin who seems inhuman at times.

“Then When You Get The Money, You Get The Power. Then When You Get The Power, Then You Get The Women.”

Tony Montana

The first very interesting truth Tony Montana reveals about “this country” is the sequence in which a man can get the best things in his life. First, he needs to make money.

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Oddly enough, this line on its own could sum up Tony as a character. It shows his entire motivation in this movie, including all the terrible things he does, is all a means of getting to have that ideal life he wants, which includes a woman by his side.

“I Always Tell The Truth. Even When I Lie.”

Tony Montana

As a part of his drunken monologue, after Elvira leaves him, Tony mutters these two sentences. And these lines highlight Tony as a man of warped values as well as a surprisingly hilarious character.

Pacino’s performance really sells the humor of the moment without making it too goofy. Tony has these pearls of wisdom he cannot help but share. Yet he seems oblivious to how little he actually lives by the things he says. He insists he always reveals the truth even in his most dishonest moments as if he doesn’t have to play by the same rules as everyone else.

“Say Hello To My Little Friend!”

Tony Montana

There is absolutely no doubt that this is the most well-known and iconic phrase in the entire film. The scene is simply fantastic with Tony’s bombastic and thrilling final stand.

It seems clear that Tony knows he isn’t going to make it out of this alive, but he is ready to take out as many of them as he can before finally falling. It is a line that shows the wildness and over-the-top nature of the movie while also highlighting Pacino’s incredible performance. Even those who have never seen Scarface will know this line immediately.

NEXT: 20 Best Godfather Quotes From The Whole Trilogy


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