25 Best Quotes From BoJack Horseman – Armessa Movie News



  • BoJack’s childhood trauma plays a big role in his self-destructive behavior, making him feel like he was born flawed.
  • The show doesn’t tie things up neatly, emphasizing the fleeting nature of happiness and the aftermath of happy endings.
  • Despite being an upbeat character, Mr. Peanutbutter’s struggle with sadness and heartbreak reveals the cruelty of letting people love you.

Over the years, there were a ton of BoJack Horseman quotes that made fans laugh, cry, and gasp. Netflix’s first original animated comedy series was also one of the streaming service’s most popular shows. It is a cartoon about a talking horse who is more human than most characters on television, and the supporting cast is filled with characters who are equally lovable and equally damaged. Somehow, BoJack Horseman managed to keep topping itself. It did a perfect season and then the following year, by some miracle, it did a season that was even more perfect and set a new benchmark.

The best BoJack Horseman quotes help to secure the show’s legacy as one of the best of the 2010s. Despite BoJack Horseman ending in 2020, the show continues to resonate with viewers because of its realistic exploration of the main characters. BoJack himself is the protagonist, but he is not the hero, exhibiting various self-destructive behaviors that alienate those around him. This, however, helps to make him feel genuine, and audiences have connected with this aspect. There are many BoJack Horseman quotes that excellently communicate ideas, cause introspection, and make viewers laugh, and they likely will for years to come.

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25 “Sometimes I Feel Like I Was Born With A Leak, And Any Goodness I Started With Just Slowly Spilled Out Of Me, And Now It’s All Gone.”

BoJack – Season 1, Episode 9

There are a lot of factors in BoJack’s mental health issues and what causes them, but the show makes it clear that his childhood was a big factor. While this is not an excuse for his behavior, it is easy to feel sorry for him at times, especially with this devastating line. BoJack’s upbringing was so damaging that he convinced himself that he was born with a flaw. The idea that he once had the potential to be happy or “a good person” only for that potential to gradually drain from him over time is an astute observation of how early childhood events changed him forever.

24 “Every Happy Ending Has The Day After The Happy Ending.”

Diane – Season 1, Episode 10

Diane and Mr. Peanutbutter looking disshevled in BoJack Horseman

Despite not being one of the best duos on BoJack Horseman, Diane and Mr. Peanutbutter’s relationship progresses further than most people would have imagined until they eventually get married. However, living happily ever after is not in the cards for these two as Diane gradually finds herself unhappy in the marriage. Her quote about realizing that those happy moments don’t last feels like a theme of the show as BoJack Horseman was never interested in tying things up nicely and moments that felt like happiness was at long-last within grasp ended up being fleeting.

23 “It’s So Cruel To Let People Love You. All You’re Doing Is Promising That One Day You’ll Break Their Heart.”

Season 3, Episode 8

Mr. Peanutbutter looking sad and sitting on a bench in BoJack Horseman

Mr. Peanutbutter is the one BoJack Horseman character fans would most want to be friends with. He is often an upbeat and positive person. However, as he becomes a bigger part of the show and is explored more in relationships, it becomes clear that he struggles with the same sadness and emotional dilemmas as everyone else. This heartbreaking line sums up so much about his character as he is someone who wants to make people happy and sometimes that can be a lonely thing as most loving relationships will inevitably lead to heartbreak.

22 “You Are All The Things That Are Wrong With You!”

Season 3, Episode 10

Todd and BoJack Hoseman talking in a destroyed living room

Though he was introduced as the goofy sidekick and remained a hilarious addition to the show throughout its run, Todd changed a lot in BoJack Horseman and his fun-loving side could sometimes be dropped in favor of some harsh realities. Todd was a good friend to BoJack even though he is generally treated unkindly. Though Todd is not the brightest guy around, he is not oblivious to such treatment or to the terrible things BoJack does. While BoJack can sometimes blame other aspects of his life for what is “wrong” with him, Todd refuses to let him off so easily and suggests BoJack is the problem at the center of it all.

Mr. Peanutbutter – Season 6, Episode 16

BoJack Horseman and Mr Peanutbutter driving in a car

Some of Mr. Peanutbutter’s most iconic lines in BoJack Horseman show off the comedic aspects of the character while others show his surprising dramatic side. This wonderful quote manages to accomplish both. After many failed relationships and self-reflection, Peanutbutter comes to some realizations about his own issues which he cannot help but share in his typical gimmicky sitcom joke way. The way he delivers this deep and astute thought with such earnestness while also framing it in such a ridiculous way is a showcase of how brilliant the character is.

20 “Before I Leaped, I Should Have Seen The View From Halfway Down.”

Secretariat – Season 6, Episode 15

Secretariat reading a poem in BoJack Horseman.

In the penultimate episode of BoJack Horseman, BoJack endures a near-death experience while drowning in his pool, giving him a vision of people he has known who died. During the haunting show that BoJack’s dead acquaintances put on, Secretariat reads a poignant, hard-hitting poem. The full quote was, “But this is it; the deed is done. Silence drowns the sound. Before I leaped, I should have seen the view from halfway down.” The somber BoJack Horseman quote excellently reflects the state of the protagonist at this point, and the fact that it is read by Secretariat, BoJack’s childhood hero, makes it all the more gripping.

19 “You Turn Yourself Around. That’s What It’s All About.”

Todd – Season 6, Episode 16

Todd sits on BoJack's shoulders in BoJack Horseman.

In the series finale, Todd tells BoJack that he rebuilt his relationship with his mom and things are going well, and he links this to what he sees as the hidden meaning of the “Hokey Pokey” song. Todd does not think it is about the “hokey pokey” at all; he thinks it is about turning oneself around. BoJack says, “I don’t know if the songwriters put that much thought into the existential significance of the lyrics,” but Todd’s point still stands, showing the optimism that fans love Todd for and illustrating that it is important to find positive meaning in art, even if that meaning was not initially intended.

18 “The Rules Are Different For Women.”

Kelsey – Season 6, Episode 8

Kelsey in a green hoodie standing next to a camera in BoJack Horseman

When Kelsey Jannings (Maria Bamford) is brought in to pitch a movie about a female superhero called Fireflame, she explains that being a female superhero is inherently different from being a male superhero because of how society functions. Kelsey pleading her case to the executives hits at some harsh truths about societal perception of female superheroes. “The rules are different for women. If you’re a woman, and you save the day, nobody loves you…The more powerful you are, the more they’ll take your power away…Also, in my version, she’s gay.” She seeks realism in her work, which is not as optimistic as the executives may believe it would be.

17 “There Is No Other Side.”

Herb – Season 6, Episode 15

BoJack Horseman standing in a doorway and looking into a black void

Towards the end of “The View From Halfway Down,” as most of the other characters disappear into the darkness, a melancholic BoJack sees Herb, whose relationship with BoJack spawned one of the greatest betrayals on BoJack Horseman. Herb says, “See you on the other side.” In a chilling, thought-provoking meditation on the great unknown that is death, Herb gives his response. One of humanity’s worst fears is that, after one dies, there is nothing, and Herb confirms that in a way that somberly ties the episode together. The quote is poignant because Herb says it. BoJack Horseman quotes are known for hard-hitting lines, and this is one of the most poignant.

BoJack – Season 2, Episode 5

BoJack Horseman balloon in strings

Most animated characters’ lives are “just a series of unrelated wacky adventures,” but BoJack’s life goes deeper than that. BoJack Horseman has a serialized narrative, and unlike other cartoon characters such as Peter Griffin and Eric Cartman, BoJack has evolved, developed, and matured over the years. This BoJack Horseman quote is a slight variation of what Todd has said about his life, showing that the characters, despite their vastly different lifestyles, have some similarities.

15 “Because He’s So Nice, People Don’t Want To Think He’s Capable Of Awful Things.”

Diane – Season 2, Episode 7

Diane Nguyen from BoJack Horseman.

The BoJack Horseman episode about sexual assault allegations levied against fictional celebrity Hank Hippopopalous has often been referred to as “the Cosby episode.” A news reporter asks Diane, “What do you have against Hank Hippopopalous? Everyone says he’s a really nice guy.” Diane’s reply excellently sums up the public responses to allegations that have come up regarding a multitude of Hollywood stars and influential people in the film industry, attacking real-life issues on BoJack Horseman.That’s the problem. Because he’s so nice, people don’t want to think he’s capable of awful things, so they let him off the hook.”

14 “He’s So Stupid, He Doesn’t Realize How Miserable He Should Be. I Envy That.”

BoJack – Season 1, Episode 1

BoJack sits in a chair in BoJack Horseman.

This BoJack Horseman quote sums up his defeatist mindset well. BoJack hates himself, his life, and everything about the world around him, but he has convinced himself that is the way it should be. As he sees it, people are supposed to hate everything. When BoJack sees Mr. Peanutbutter, who appears to be genuinely happy, he shows his point of view with this quote. His perspective makes him believe that everyone should see the world the same way he does, and if they do not, they simply do not understand. It is upsetting, but it also reveals that BoJack wishes he could be happy.

13 “When You Look At Someone Through Rose-Colored Glasses, All The Red Flags Just Look Like Flags.”

Wanda – Season 2, Episode 10

Bojack crossing his arms while talking to Wanda in BoJack Horseman.

These BoJack Horseman quotes from BoJack’s romantic interest Wanda are so sad and yet so insightful at the same time. It is dangerous to fall in love with someone and ignore everything that is potentially harmful about them until it is too late. Rose-colored glasses are often described as a good thing, and sometimes mean that when one is so in love with someone, they can do no wrong. This Wanda quote invades that silly romantic idea with some truth. If they can do wrong and one does not realize it, then they can miss the glaring problems in the relationship.

12 “The Universe Is A Cruel, Uncaring Voice.”

Mr. Peanutbutter – Season 1, Episode 12

Diane and Mr. Peanutbutter sitting awkwardly in a car in BoJack Horseman Season 5

In a turn that is not typical of his early appearances, Mr. Peanutbutter gives an introspective look at his mentality. When Diane states she is thinking about leaving Los Angeles to do philanthropic work for a while, Mr. Peanutbutter tries to keep her with him by giving his view of pursuing happiness. ” The universe is a cruel, uncaring void. The key to being happy isn’t to search for meaning. It’s to just keep yourself busy with unimportant nonsense, and eventually, you’ll be dead.” These BoJack Horseman quotes show more of his selfish side, but they also give insight into his worldview.

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11 “Laura! Clear Out The Rest Of My Day!”

Princess Carolyn – Season 1, Episode 12

Princess Carolyn looking angry in BoJack Horseman

When Princess Carolyn and BoJack have a meeting in her office, she suggests various roles for him because of the success of Diane’s book. BoJack responds by saying he would like to play Secretariat in a biopic, prompting Princess Carolyn to give these BoJack Horseman quotes. “Laura! Clear out the rest of my day! I have to push a boulder up a hill and then have it roll over me time and time again with no regard for my well-being.” Much of Princess Carolyn’s arc revolves around her learning to prioritize herself instead of giving all of herself to her work and the other people in her life. Her journey in this capacity becomes much more serious as the series goes on.

10 “It Gets Easier. Every Day, It Gets A Little Easier. But You Gotta Do It Every Day. That’s The Hard Part.”

Jogger – Season 2, Episode 12

BoJack Horseman watching horses running

All throughout the season 2 finale episode, a baboon keeps jogging past BoJack’s house, prompting him to think that he is strange. But when BoJack decides to try to get into shape himself, he goes out for a run and passes out on his front lawn, quickly discovering that running is not as easy as it looks. The jogging baboon helps BoJack up and seeks to inspire him. The baboon is talking about running here, but the lesson about persevering despite difficulties is universally applicable. BoJack Horseman quotes are rarely uplifting, but this is one that audiences can take to heart.

9 “I Need You To Tell Me That I’m A Good Person.”

BoJack – Season 1, Episode 11

Bojack Horseman driving a car.

When Diane is doing a Q&A session, BoJack shows up and begs her to tell him he is good. Diane stays completely silent. She cannot say it. “I need you to tell me that I’m a good person. I know that I can be selfish and narcissistic and self-destructive, but underneath all that, deep down, I’m a good person…Tell me that I’m good.” The episode ends with that silence, leaving viewers awestruck with a memorable moment. The pleading with Diane to validate him offers a quote that perfectly sums up BoJack’s personality, encapsulating what audiences would see from him for the rest of the series.

8 “Same Thing That Always Happens. You Didn’t Know Me And Then You Fell In Love With Me. And Now You Know Me.”

BoJack – Season 2, Episode 10

BoJack listens to Gina's headphones in BoJack Horseman.

BoJack has always struggled in the dating world, and it is mostly his own fault. What is not his own fault is the reason that people fall for him in the first place. They saw BoJack play a really great guy who was good with his kids in a TV show, but in real life, he is much more destructive than that, both to himself and to others. Whenever one of his romantic relationships falls apart, it generally follows the same pattern, and he is acutely aware of the pattern. It is upsetting, and BoJack’s self-fulfilling prophecies continuously lead him back to this point.

7 “I Need To Go Take A Shower So I Can’t Tell If I’m Crying Or Not.”

BoJack – Season 1, Episode 11

BoJack Horseman with a lightbulb.

The best BoJack Horseman quotes are the ones that walk the fine line between sad and funny. If a line is so sad and speaks so much truth that all one can do is laugh at it, then the magic of BoJack Horseman is alive and well. This quote is a prime example of the show walking this line. The title character in BoJack Horseman is one of the saddest characters on television. He just needs a hug. He needs to know that someone cares. Little does he know, millions of Netflix subscribers care. The show is more of a tragicomedy than anything else – very dark, but affecting.

6 “I’m Responsible For My Own Happiness? I Can’t Even Be Responsible For My Own Breakfast!”

BoJack – Season 1, Episode 1

Bojack Horseman and Todd talking and drinking in season 1

There is much debate about what the underlying ideology is in BoJack Horseman. The truth is, it is tough to pin BoJack down to just one reason for the main character’s point of view. First and foremost, it is a show about one horse’s search for happiness. All of his dreams came true – he was the star of a long-running sitcom and remains a rich Hollywood (or “Hollywoo”) celebrity – and he was no happier than he was before. One of his finest existential musings shows his perception of himself in a somber but somewhat comedic way.


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