7 Sci-Fi Movies That Are Remembered For Having 1 Great Scene – Armessa Movie News


Science fiction has explored man’s place in the universe through stories, but a few sci-fi films are remembered for one great scene. The influential sci-fi films on the following list have multiple great scenes, but each boasts one great scene that cements the film as a whole in cinema history. In the golden age of streaming, it may seem impossible for the younger generation to become interested in older films. However, most of these sci-fi films are still being discovered and enjoyed to this day.

As a visual medium, many classic films rely on iconic set pieces to anchor the narrative. Sci-fi is one of the many film genres that is often revisited, both for its startling visuals and occasional prescience. Sci-fi can offer an escape for audiences and/or provide a meditation on the nature of existence. However, on occasion, one great sci-fi scene can help elevate a movie to something truly memorable. Here are seven classic examples.



7 Ex Machina – The Dancing Scene

Ex Machina is a 2014 science fiction film that explores man’s relationship with artificial intelligence. Ex Machina follows Caleb who stays at Nathan’s private estate to soon discover he has been chosen to be a test subject in interaction with Ava, a humanoid robot. Throughout the tests, Caleb begins to distrust Nathan and fall for Ava. While this is not a new story, Alex Garland is able to make AI feel scary and real again in the 21st century. While Ex Machina is one of the newer films on the list, it is still a film that is remembered for an iconic scene. When asked about Ex Machina, many will mention the dancing scene, and its seemingly abrupt tone shift from the rest of the film.

In an interaction with one of Nathan’s robots, Nathan enters the room and tells Caleb to dance with her. The lights in the room then turn bright red and “Get Down Saturday Night” plays on the speakers above. When Caleb tries to confront Nathan, he instead dances with the robot himself in a synchronized dance number that provides a welcome break from the film’s cold tone. Oscar Isaac sells the dance with charisma and solid dance moves that help cement the scene in film history.

Related: 11 Best Sci-Fi Movies Like Ex Machina

6 Annihilation – The Bear Scene

annihilation bear creature

Annihilation is the second film on this list to also star Oscar Isaac. Oscar Isaac plays Natalie Portman Lena’s husband who left her on a suicide mission. Annihilation then follows Lena, a biology professor, who joins an expedition to find out what happened to Kane. Based on a 2014 novel of the same name by Jeff VanderMeer, Lena meets up with a group of ambitious women who all appear to share a common goal: learning more about the meteor. Unfortunately, in the middle of the night, one of the members of the group Cass is attacked by a mutant bear.

However, Cass’s end is far more chilling than just being a victim of a mutant bear. The next day, the mutant bear comes back to terrorize the girls whose roars are intertwined with Cass’s dying screams. This confuses Anya into believing that Cass is outside and is then murdered by the bear after she screams at it. Lena and the others are able to survive after Lena tells them not to react to him. Since the group is currently tied up, thanks to Anya, the group is paralyzed as the bear walks between their bodies. Luckily, Josie is able to break free and shoot the bear. While some of the girls survive, it is a chilling scene that demonstrates the horror of this sci-fi universe.

5 Interstellar – The Docking Scene

Interstellar Cooper

Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar also explores man’s curiosity in forces beyond human comprehension. Interstellar takes place in a dystopian future where retired NASA employee Joseph Cooper discovers a black hole. Cooper ends up joining a mission to orbit 3 planets orbiting the supermassive black hole. During their mission, one of the crew members, Mann, dies, which starts off one of the most iconic scenes in sci-fi cinema.

After Mann dies, the situation becomes dire for Cooper and Dr. Amelia Brand, but Cooper is able to safely dock the ship. However, he is told that this task is not possible, to which Cooper responds “No, it’s necessary.” As parts of ship debris fly around the ship, the docking scene keeps audiences on the edge of their seat. Luckily, Cooper is able to get them successfully out of orbit. Unfortunately, this will not be the last dangerous obstacle that space has in store for Cooper and Brand.

4 The Fifth Element – The Opera Scene

The diva performs her aria in The Fifth Element

Luc Besson’s The Fifth Element is considered one of the most financially successful science fiction films and remained the highest-grossing French film until 2011. The Fifth Element follows taxi-cab driver Korben Dallas who becomes wrapped up in humanoid Leeloo’s mission. With the two iconic leads of Bruce Willis and an orange-haired Milla Jovovich, The Fifth Element has many memorable moments, but it’s the opera scene that secures the movie’s status as a classic.

Not only does the opera scene provide some world-building and showcases the beautiful costume design of Jean-Paul Gaultier, it also showcases Leeloo fighting aliens while intercutting the Diva Dance from the opera show. The fight choreography paired with the dance choreography of Diva is edited together so fluidly, it is hard to consider these two events separate.

3 Alien – The Chest Bursting Scene

Alien Chestburster scene

Ridley Scott’s Alien wasn’t just a huge game-changer for science fiction films, but it also provided a truly horrifying experience. A simple concept, a crew trapped on a spaceship with an alien loose, is made compelling with Scott’s iconic direction, along with the unique design of the aliens. This was epitomized by the now legendary chest-burster scene.

After crew member Kane discovers a chamber of large eggs, a face-hugger jumps out and attaches itself to his face. At first, Kane seems fine, but later on the ship, he suddenly convulses and an alien bursts out of his chest. In this suspenseful scene, the blood and horror of a creature emerging from someone’s chest is illustrated so brutally. While parodied and mocked today, the chest-bursting scene changed how science fiction and horror intersected, and is famed for the visceral reaction of the actors involved, who weren’t warned what was about to happen.

Related: 20 Best Sci-Fi Horror Movies (That Blend The Genres Perfectly)

2 The Matrix – The Rooftop Showdown Scene

Neo using bullet time in The Matrix

The Matrix also contains another famously parodied scene that invaded the cultural consciousness. Towards the end of The Matrix, Neo, Morpheus, and Trinity face off against the Agents and police on top of a rooftop. With the use of the visual effect called “bullet time,” Neo is able to dodge a bullet and the audience is suspended in that moment with him as the film moves in slow-motion.

Not only did The Matrix help change science fiction films forever, but it also changed how audiences viewed onscreen combat. With the use of martial arts and wire-fu, The Matrix utilizes both practical and complex visual effects. Through dedicated fight choregraphy along with iconic special effects, The Matrix stays alive long after its release in 1999.

1 2001: A Space Odyssey – The Ape Scene

Barbie_comparison_2001A Space Odyssey_landscape

Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey is the oldest film on this list, but also arguably, the most iconic. Kubrick’s cult classic film is still parodied to this day, despite the 55 years that stand between now and the film’s 1968 release date. Most recently, Greta Grewin’s Barbie released a teaser trailer depicting the famous ape scene, but switched out for little girls smashing their baby dolls, highlighting its enduring influence.

Considered one of the greatest science fiction films of all time, 2001: Space Odyssey has many great scenes, but the ape scene has stayed alive through parody throughout the history of cinema. In this iconic scene, a group of apes discovers how to use tools which progresses the evolution of the species. This scene is paired with the film’s opening theme by Richard Strauss, performed by the Vienna Philharmonic. This music is instantly recognizable, even for those, who have never seen or heard of 2001: A Space Odyssey.

From Alex Garland’s debut film to Kubrick’s masterpiece, the history of science fiction cinema can be felt from these films. Nevertheless, science fiction is a diverse genre that will continue to evolve as film does. As for these seven films, they have already made their lasting impact on the sci-fi genre, as well as the world of cinema forever.


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