8 Reasons Julie Chen Moonves Should Compete On Celebrity Big Brother – Armessa Movie News


A new season of Celebrity Big Brother is rumored to be on the horizon due to the Writers Guild of America (WGA) strike, and longtime host Julie Chen Moonves would be a fantastic contestant. Soon, Julie will host Big Brother 25, which begins on August 2. She has hosted the show since season 1 in 2000, and has been its only host. Julie is also the host of Celebrity Big Brother, which began in 2018.

After reports that the writers’ strike might lead to a new Celebrity Big Brother season, many stars were mentioned as possible cast members. However, the one celebrity who would be the perfect match for the show is Julie herself. From her magnetic personality to her extensive knowledge of the show, she’d make an ideal houseguest.



8 Big Brother Host Julie Chen Moonves Knows The Game

After hosting Big Brother for 24 years, Julie knows all of its ins and outs. She has watched houseguests make genius game moves, as well as disastrous mistakes. She has questioned them about these actions, learning the game as its closest spectator. Julie could take the knowledge she’s accumulated over the years to create a strategic game that would take her to the end. It would be exciting to see her compete in Head of Household and veto competitions.

7 Julie Chen Moonves Knows Big Brother History

Because Julie’s been part of Big Brother from day 1, she’s contributed to the show’s impressive legacy. Julie understands how it works. She’s been a firsthand witness as some of the greatest players in the show’s history, including Dr. Will Kirby, Janelle Pierzina, Dan Gheesling, Derrick Levasseur, and Rachel Reilly, showed what they could do. Many of the stars on Celebrity Big Brother aren’t familiar with the game and its history, which makes them weaker players. Julie would wipe the floor with them.

6 Big Brother’s Julie Chen Moonves Could Showcase Her Great Personality

Big Brother Julie Chen on set wearing black and white dress smiling

As the Big Brother host, Julie often has serious tasks to complete. From delivering the rules of the games in a clear manner, to announcing which houseguest will be evicted, she doesn’t have much room to showcase her bubbly personality. Julie has been able to be herself on The Talk and her God 101 podcast. However, the Big Brother fans nicknamed her “Chenbot” because of what they thought were her robotic ways.

Big Brother viewers only catch glimpses of her real personality during the live episode chats with the houseguests, and during eviction interviews. This also happened last season, when she was the subject of a Big Brother 24 Head of Household (HOH) competition. In the game, the Final 4 houseguests watched and answered questions about a Fashion Fest video starring Julie, during which she danced in various outfits. It was fun to see a different side of her. On Celebrity Big Brother, Julie would have the opportunity to show who she really is.

5 Big Brother Could Try A Different Host Or Hosts For A Season

Celebrity Big Brother Season 1 Cast with host Julie Chen on the set

Although it’s hard to imagine anyone but Julie hosting Big Brother, it’s fun to think about who could take her place. If Julie were a Celebrity Big Brother houseguest, it would be the best of both worlds. She’d still be on the show, and a new host (or hosts) could be given a try. Big Brother alums such as Dr. Will, Janelle, Rachel, or Kat Dunn would make excellent hosts, along with Celebrity Big Brother alum Ross Mathews. They all have the personality to fill Julie’s shoes. It would be fun to see Julie on the other side of the interview as well.

4 Julie Chen Moonves Would Be A Kind & Thoughtful Player

Julie Chen on Big Brother 22 All Stars first eviction night smiling in yellow dress

Julie is known for her kind and thoughtful values. She has embraced her faith, speaking openly about it on her God 101 podcast. Although being crafty is part of the game, there’s no reason for houseguests to be ruthless. Celebrity Big Brother 3 houseguest Todrick Hall faced heavy backlash during his season, when he made unnecessary personal attacks against his fellow houseguests. Julie’s Big Brother sign-offs encourage people to follow the golden rule. She would bring that atmosphere to the house, making the game kinder and, therefore, more enjoyable to watch.

3 Julie Chen Moonves Respects The Game

Julie Chen on Big Brother Season 21 smiling in white dress

Some Celebrity Big Brother houseguests sign up for the show with no knowledge of the game and what it means to its superfans. In season 1, Metta World Peace voted for Chuck Liddell to be evicted because he didn’t comprehend the rules, and thought he was voting for him to stay. In addition, he asked to be evicted, followed by Keshia Knight Pulliam. In season 3, Chris Kattan self-eliminated from the show.

Although these Celebrity Big Brother players had personal reasons for leaving, it seems that their lack of understanding of the rigorous demands of the game contributed to their shock about how difficult it really was. Julie respects the challenges of the game because she has been on the inside of it for so long. Although it’s impossible to know exactly how she’d handle being on Big Brother, she’d at least go into the house with a realistic grasp of what it’s like.

2 It’d Be Fun To See Julie Chen Moonves On The Celebrity Big Brother Live Feeds

Julie Chen Big Brother 2019 smiling outside

One of the best aspects of Celebrity Big Brother is watching favorite stars on the live feeds. Seeing them stripped of their hair, makeup, and wardrobe, just living together in the house, is interesting and fun. It would be a totally different experience to see the usually impeccably dressed Julie wearing sweatpants in the middle of the night, hanging out with her fellow castmates on the live feeds. The Celebrity Big Brother live feeds often capture the stars telling anecdotes about their lives to each other. It’d be intriguing to get to know Julie in this much more personal way.

1 Julie Chen Moonves Would Be A Force To Be Reckoned With

Big Brother Julie Chen posing on big brother sculpture

Julie would surely take the Celebrity Big Brother house by storm. She would almost definitely become an immediate target, considering that the other houseguests would know that she is so closely connected to the game. Julie would be a force to be reckoned with as she competed in the physical and mental competitions, while also developing a strong social game. If Celebrity Big Brother 4 ever really happens, Julie should be the first star on the list. Big Brother 25 is just around the corner, “but first,” it’s thrilling to imagine Julie entering the Celebrity Big Brother house to, “expect the unexpected.”

Source: Julie Chen Moonves/Instagram


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