A Timeline Of When Kody Brown Married Each Of His Wives – Armessa Movie News


Three of Kody Brown’s four wives left him after feeling rejected for years. However, Meri, Janelle, and Christine Brown did love him at one time.

Sister Wives Kody Brown has married four women in his life, and the timeline dates back to the early 90s when he married his first wife. Besides the constant rumors that he’s seeking wife number five, viewers are still shocked that three of his four wives have left him. They all seemed so unhappy, but many fans thought they would figure out how to hold the family together. Even newest his wife, Robyn Brown, has been married to Kody for more than 10 years.


Kody didn’t grow up in polygamy, though he and his father embraced the lifestyle, and he agreed to put his family on display for Sister Wives to promote the non-traditional lifestyle. However, as time progressed, even the normally selfish Kody couldn’t continue to ignore the obvious: none of his wives were satisfied with their one-quarter of a husband. He has said on multiple episodes that he no longer believes polygamy is a good choice after more than thirty years of experience. Kody’s new aversion to polygamy might be why he grew apart from his first three wives.

Related: Sister Wives: What We Know About Kody Brown’s Life Before The Show

Kody Brown & Meri Brown

Meri and Kody Brown from Sister Wives

Meri grew up in polygamy and thought it was what she wanted. She met Kody through her friendship with Kody’s sister in October 1989 and became engaged in December 1989. While Kody has claimed that Meri tricked him into marrying her, they were engaged for four months, so he had some time to know what he was getting into. They married on April 21, 1990, when Kody was 21 and Meri was 19. About a year after they were married, one of Kody’s biggest secrets before Sister Wives, is that he began courting an underage girl, and after waiting until she was 18 to become officially engaged to her, the young woman changed her mind.

Kody Brown & Janelle Brown

Kody Janelle Sister Wives sitting on couch

According to US Weekly, Janelle and Kody met in the fall of 1989, shortly before he met and married Meri. However, after two years of marriage to her now ex-husband, Adam Barber, Meri’s brother, Kody began courting the 23-year-old. Kody and Janelle spiritually married on January 17, 1993, which was also Kody’s 24 birthday.

Kody Brown & Christine Brown

Christine Kody Brown Sister Wives kody and christine looking uncomfortable

Christine and Kody had been friends for about three and a half years before deciding to court and spiritually marry. Kody said it was a fast courtship, as long courtships are hard on the other wives. Kody was already having problems with Meri, and his second wife, Janelle when he and Christine started their relationship. Christine, 21, and Kody, 25, spiritually married on March 25, 1994. Somewhere around 2001, Janelle was struggling and ended up taking her children and moving in with her mother. After two or three years, she decided to move back in with the Browns.

Kody Brown & Robyn Brown

In 2010, at the same time as the family had begun filming for Sister Wives, Kody was courting Robyn. Some have suggested that Kody decided to bring on another wife after so long to make the Brown family stand out from other polygamous families TLC was considering for the show. It had been 16 years since he brought Christine into the family, and Kody had concerns about Robyn since she was a divorcee with three kids. Robyn and Kody spiritually married on May 22, 2010. Robyn was 31 years old, while Kody was 41. He then asked his first wife, Meri, to divorce him so he could legally marry Robyn and adopt her children. Robyn and Kody then legally married on December 11, 2014.

It’s been over 21 years since Kody brought a new wife into the family. His favoritism towards Robyn has caused a significant amount of drama in the family. Meri and Kody are getting divorced, Janelle has separated from her husband, and Christine left during Sister Wives season 17 after revealing that she didn’t want to be married to Kody anymore. On top of not being able to give his wives what they need, Kody is not able to financially support his large family. Clearly, Kody was not happy living a polygamous lifestyle anymore, and neither were his wives.

More: Sister Wives: How Janelle Brown Lost Weight & Kept It Off

Source: US Weekly


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