Alien’s New Series Introduces a Franchise-Altering New Alliance – Armessa Movie News


With the launch of an all-new Alien chapter, there is a new alliance brewing between two former enemies, one that could alter the franchise forever.

Throughout the course of the Alien franchise, the two greatest threats to the human protagonists have been Xenomorphs and Synthetics–but now, with the launch of an all-new Alien series, a new alliance is being forged that could drastically change that status quo forever.

The world of Alien was introduced to fans in Ridley Scott’s 1979 film Alien, and the villains of the franchise were set up immediately. While the obvious monster of the movie was the alien creature the crew of the Nostromo picked up on LV-426, the surprise villain was the Synthetic Ash, who was revealed to be evil roughly halfway through the film. From that point on in Alien lore, Synthetics and Xenomorphs were equally threatening to humans’ survival, with Synthetics like Ash and David being perfect examples. However, the Alien mythos has also introduced Synthetics who were in no way threatening and even proved themselves integral to the survival of the human protagonists, such as Bishop and Call–proving that humans and Synthetics can and have come together for the greater good.


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In Alien #1 by Phillip Kennedy Johnson and Julius Ohta, a small colony of Synthetics–collectively known as Steel Team–has taken up residence on a planet uninhabitable to humans. While they were living in peace away from the rest of humanity, humanity found them nonetheless in the form of a military strike. Since Steal Team was a former military operation unit under the United Systems–plus their superiority to humans in nearly every physical way–Steel Team was able to quickly defeat the human attackers before tracking down the general leading the operation. When they did so, the general in charge told Steel Team that they didn’t mean to harm the Synthetics, only capture them in an effort to ask for their help. In the recent past, a horde of Xenomorphs took over a Weyland-Yutani scientific research site known as Tobler-9. The now Black Site holds a drug that would make humans resistant to the harmful and even deadly impacts of radiation poisoning, which is helpful considering humanity’s ongoing efforts with terraforming and interplanetary travel. Humans need the Synthetics to retrieve that drug from Tobler-9 as androids can walk among Xenomorphs without fear of impregnation or death.

While the Steel Team was initially reluctant to help humanity given the fact that they were wronged by humans in the past, not to mention this most recent attack against them, they seem to be willing to help humanity on this mission–for one thing in return. The general said that, if Steel Team pulls this mission off, the United Systems government would make all of Alien‘s Synthetics legal citizens. This is a huge development for synthetic life in the Alien universe and a giant step forward for their relationship with humanity, especially when considering the Cold War that has been brewing under the surface in recent Alien issues–one that shines a light on whom the one true villain of the Alien franchise has been all along: United Systems vs Weyland-Yutani.

Both the government and the company are fighting for universal sovereignty. As it stands, Weyland-Yutani has a leg-up over the government as they have control over the Xenomorph species, both in terms of weaponization and manipulation of genetic material to use in the creation of drugs (just like the one on Tobler-9). If United Systems could win the loyalty of Synthetics–which have hinted in the past that they don’t care if humanity lives or dies–then the elected body of government representing humanity would have a fighting chance against the ultimate evil that is Weyland-Yutani and the Xenomorphs they control in an alliance that would forever alter the landscape of Alien–no matter what the fallout of such an alliance could yield.


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