Ana De Armas Gets Real About The ‘Dangerous’ Attention She Received While Dating Ben Affleck- Armessa Movie News


Prior to Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez’s relationship starting back up last year and their recent marriage, the Justice League actor and Ana De Armas dated for nearly a year after working together on the thriller Deep Water. To say that the two stars got quite a bit of attention while they were an item would be an understatement. Now, De Armas has recently addressed the added public attention she received while with Affleck, even going as far as to call it “dangerous.”

Ben Affleck and Ana de Armas reportedly dated from early 2020 to early 2021. During their relationship, the Blonde actress was frequently the subject of paparazzi desires, often during casual dog walks in their Los Angeles neighborhoods. While de Armas shared that being with Affleck wasn’t the first time she was followed by the press, that situation was particularly uncomfortable to her. In de Armas’ words:  

I have never been someone that wants any attention that’s not about my work. So when the attention is not about my work, it is upsetting, and it feels disrespectful, and it feels inappropriate, and it feels dangerous and unsafe. But, especially in this country, I don’t know how you can find protection. I don’t know how you can stop that from happening, other than leaving.


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