Andrew Garfield Felt His Spider-Man Role Was Undone Before No Way Home – Armessa Movie News


Andrew Garfield opens up on the lack of closure he felt after The Amazing Spider-Man 2 ahead of his return as Spider-Man for Spider-Man: No Way Home.

Before starring in Spider-Man: No Way Home, Andrew Garfield felt a lack of closure with his turn as Spider-Man. Garfield took up the role of Peter Parker, a.k.a Spider-Man, in 2012’s The Amazing Spider-Man, which served as a reboot for the previous Sam Raimi/Tobey Maguire Spider-Man franchise. Garfield reprised the role in 2014 for a sequel, which would serve as the final installment in The Amazing Spider-Man franchise despite plans for two more films and several spin-offs. However, Spider-Man officially entered the Marvel Cinematic Universe in 2015, canceling those plans and setting the stage for another reboot of the character with Tom Holland in the lead.


Though both Maguire and Garfield seemed to have hung up their masks despite never finishing their respective Spider-Man franchises, they were able to return in 2021’s Spider-Man: No Way Home alongside Holland, making their MCU debuts due to the film’s multiverse-centric plot. Both heroes’ involvement in the movie alongside their old foes gave an opportunity for closure on their never-completed stories, something most viewers had never considered possible. While speaking with GQ, Garfield addressed his feelings about the conclusion to his Spider-Man franchise and his return in Spirder-Man: No Way Home. The actor revealed that though he was open to reprising his role as the webslinger, he hadn’t been hopeful about his chances, comparing the experience and mixed feelings surrounding it to a relationship break-up. See what he had to say below:

“I don’t know if I had an expectation of doing more. I was very open to it being whatever it was meant to be. But there was an undone feeling. Like, What was that experience about? And how do I close that circle in my living room on my own? And I was doing that – and then it was like that classic thing, when you’re getting over a relationship, and you’re first starting to really feel free and untethered from that thing – the person knows to call the hour after the first good night’s sleep you’ve had.”

Related: Andrew Garfield’s Spider-Man Return Fixed His Biggest Spidey Regret

Could Andrew Garfield Return As Spider-Man?

Andrew Garfield in SpiderMan

Garfield wasn’t the only one who felt that his character’s story had been left unfinished, since his words echo the sentiments of audiences. In The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Garfield’s Peter suffered a staggering personal tragedy when Gwen Stacey (Emma Stone) died in his arms after a failed attempt to save her life. Having that event serve as the final chapter to Garfield’s story as Spider-Man was difficult for many to accept, especially when there had been such concrete plans for a continuation prior to Spider-Man’s inclusion in the MCU. Garfield’s return in Spider-Man: No Way Home did give him a second chance when he saved Michelle Jones (Zendaya) in a climactic moment, but many still have hopes for Garfield’s third Spider-Man movie to finally come to fruition and continue his story.

The Amazing Spider-Man films involved many plot elements and storylines that were left unresolved due to the franchise being canceled. The unused plans for the larger extended universe featuring his character involved many intriguing elements, including Stone’s return as the villain Carnage. However, it’s unlikely that The Amazing Spider-Man 3 will happen despite the hype built around Garfield’s Peter in the wake of Spider-Man: No Way Home.

Garfield’s comments, despite his clear enthusiasm for reprising his role, display some mixed feelings about his Spider-Man return, since he expresses that he had finally felt “free and untethered from that thing” when he was roped back in. Additionally, the actor’s Spider-Man: No Way Home appearance was only possible in the MCU due to the multiverse opening, which means that he probably won’t show up in the MCU again soon. His iteration of Peter could be brought into the Sony-verse if he and the studio were open to that, but it’s unlikely that Garfield, or Stone, for that matter, would sign on since both of their careers have moved on and a franchise commitment would be creatively limiting for both actors. Whether or not Garfield does don the red and blue suit again at some point, his role in Spider-Man: No Way Home was a fitting, satisfying, and well-deserved tribute to his character.

More: Why Marvel Fans’ Biggest Andrew Garfield Spider-Man Criticism Is Wrong

Source: GQ

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