Antarma Releases His Ode To Peace ‘You Are Loved’ @ – Armessa Music News


New York, NY (Top40 Charts) For anyone not yet acquainted with Antarma, prepare to fall in love and take a deep breath of relief as this genuinely spiritual being holds on and guides you through what could be a very important time in life, where music and compassion are required to save lives. And even if you’re not in any sort of crisis, this is the sort of healing message that will inspire generations to come, like a modern day Lennon who urged us to ‘Give Peace A Chance’.

Antarma has thankfully released his much awaited new single ‘You are Loved’, calling on everyone to remember that “You are Loved”, and “You are Enough”.

The song is medicine for a journey with grief or pain. Antarma explains, “It was first written for a very dear family member who was going through a very tough time and feeling unloved, for her to remember and feel loved.”

Thanks to her, it is now dedicated to everyone going through difficulties and dark moments. When listening to the song, it is an opportunity for us to take the names of those we want to send love to – those who have passed on, those still with us, and ourselves as well.

In Antarma’s words, “You are Loved is dedicated to anyone going through tough times, struggling with mental health, emotional health, feeling suicidal, grieving the loss of loved ones and grieving any difficulties and traumas. It is also dedicated to all our loved ones who are no longer with us physically so we can still say from our hearts that they are loved. Even if we may feel that we didn’t make them feel loved when they were with us, it’s a chance to send that love to them wherever they are now. We also send love to the parts of ourselves, to our inner child, who feels unloved, unsupported and isolated. You are loved and you are enough. If everyone truly felt loved then all the greed, corruption, abuse of people and the planet would not happen.”

The song was recorded in Chennai, India at Unique Studios. Initial mix and engineering by Vykunth and Ramji Soma who works with the greats in Indian music and film including the legendary AR Rahman. Featuring Violin by Kumar Raghunathan. Final Mix and Mastering finished by Niraj Chag and Antarma.

Growing up in London, Antarma’s influences and collaborations are truly multicultural – from Ancient Sanskrit Mantras of the Sanatan Dharma Indian Tradition as well as the Amazonian, Sufi and African Brazilian Sacred Traditions. He took these teachings into his music, honed skills as a rapper and percussionist, then made his name busking on the London streets, immersing hundreds with a single drum and vocal.

Antarma took this same vibrancy into powerful events that fuse meditation, chanting, song and dance into a fully interactive journey, bringing audiences into deep connection and ecstatic joy – an experience to celebrate life’s ups and downs. Whether playing solo for thousands at festivals or intimate groups at retreats / events, his upbeat Djembe Drumming can make any crowd go wild and come together in joyful celebration!

Often you will find him dancing among the crowd and getting everyone involved. He offers a full spectrum of Deeply Relaxing Mantras Slokas, guided meditations and specially adapted English mantra translations, with blessing of his Guru Mata Vijnanamba Paramahamsa Parivrajika, which make the meaning of the ancient slokas of Sanatan Dharma feel relevant to the minds and hearts of today.

All the music mantras and practices Antarma shares are intended to bring the highest, deepest Peace, Joy, Celebration and Love for all hearts, for nature and for all beings.

Honouring and giving Gratitude to the Sacred Traditions and for life Herself!

‘You Are Loved’ is out now.

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