‘Aquaman 2’ Drama Gets Even Messier with Elon Musk Now Implicated- Armessa Movie News


Apparently, when he’s not busy running a perfectly good social media platform into the ground, Elon Musk likes to get involved in the behind the scenes drama swirling around the sequel to the highest-grossing DC Comics adaptation of all-time.

Just when you thought it was over, bombshells continue to be slathered on top of revelations as it pertains to Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom, with Variety digging into the unsealed court documents shared on the internet last month hailing from Amber Heard’s therapist.

Image via Warner Bros.

In attempting to pry comments from many of the key architects – which includes Heard, Musk, and Jason Momoa – the outlet has largely been stonewalled, but one so-called insider familiar with the production did reveal that the Tesla and X boss wrote a “scorched-earth letter to Warner Bros.” where he was “threatening to burn the house down” if his former partner wasn’t brought back as Mera.

Interestingly, the report does note that “Warner Bros. caved and moved forward with Heard,” although it’s entirely up for debate as to whether or not it was an enraged Elon Musk that convinced the top brass that maybe ditching the female lead wasn’t the wisest course of action.

Based on the never-ending stream of salacious stories to have emerged from Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom, it wouldn’t be surprising in the slightest if the production ended up getting its own documentary somewhere down the line, and that’s if we even manage to make it to the December release date without any more dirty laundry being aired.


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– Armessa Movie News


