Arnold Schwarzenegger Gets Candid About Why It’s Worse To Be Aging After Having Been A Great Athlete Your Whole Life: ‘It Just Sucks’- Armessa Movie News


Aging is a natural part of life, just like taxes and the natural sense of dread that accompanies Mondays. Everyone gets older, even the richest and most famous among us, including celebrities in Hollywood. Former bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger is contending with father time, and one could say he’s still looking good at his age. However, the beloved star – who’s now in his 70s – shared a very candid take on why aging is worse after having been a great athlete for your entire life. To put it simply, Schwarzenegger firmly believes “it just sucks.”

Decades ago, the Terminator actor made a his mark on the world of bodybuilding when he was named Mr. Universe at the age of 20. He then went on to earn the moniker of Mr. Olympia a whopping seven times. In his prime, he was widely considered to be the pinnacle of physical fitness and for good reason. Though the 76-year-old former California governor is still in good shape today, he’s naturally not the physical specimen he was from the late ‘60s through the ‘80s. He got honest about what it’s like to see his physique today, and he didn’t hold back when it came to critiquing himself: 

I kind of smile, because every day I do look in a mirror and I say, ‘Yep, you suck.’ I look at this body, look at those pectoral muscles that used to be firm and perky and really powerful with a striation in there. Now they’re just hanging there. I mean, what the hell is going on here? It’s sad also because, I used to say to people it’s one thing to see yourself get older and more and more out of shape but most of the people have never been in shape. So what does it mean getting out of shape? They’ve always looked at the shitty body.


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