Astronaut Praises Top Gun: Maverick And Explains Why Tom Cruise Deserves Major ‘Kudos’- Armessa Movie News


One of the primary praises in reviews of Top Gun: Maverick was in regards to the practically filmed aerial action. Real Navy pilots have called the movie the real deal, and the film paid to use actual fighter jets for the movie. The level of commitment to authentically filming these intense situations is one of the reasons Tom Cruise’s legacy sequel is so breathtaking. Now, an astronaut has spoken up about the movie and its accuracy, praising it left and right while giving the crew and its star major “kudos.” 

Chris Hadfield, the first Canadian to walk in space, is an astronaut, pilot and engineer. He’s flown fighter jets, was a test pilot, and was he part of three missions to space. With that said, he’s very qualified to talk about the accuracy of the flight scenes in Top Gun: Maverick, and he did during an interview with Vanity Fair. Gushing about the smash hit 2022 movie, he said: 

I love this movie. I do not know of a better pilot-flying movie that has ever been made. Kudos to the people who made this film, and especially to Tom Cruise.


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