Avatar: The Way Of Water Was A Massive Box Office Success, And James Cameron Got A Huge Payday Himself- Armessa Movie News


Saying that Avatar: The Way of Water has been a huge success may be the king of all understatements. The film is now the fourth highest-grossing movie of all time worldwide and one of only six movies to ever break the $2 billion mark. That’s a lot of money, and it turns out that a not insignificant portion of that will be going to director James Cameron, who will make a minimum of $95 million off the film. 

A new list of the 10 highest-paid entertainers from Forbes lists James Cameron as number eight, at $95 million. That entire income is reportedly a result of his work on Avatar: The Way of Water. The $95 million is a minimum number because Cameron’s deal is reportedly largely based on back-end deals, where the director has received bonuses for the film hitting different box office goals. And the movie isn’t done yet, so Cameron might not be either.


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