Batman Gives His Batsuit A ‘Magic’ Monster-Hunting Upgrade – Armessa Movie News


Batman just got a new suit upgrade that’s unlike any Batsuit that Batman has used before, and it’s the key to beating his latest villain.

Warning! Contains Spoilers for Detective Comics #1068!One of the things that has always made Batman so dangerous is the absolutely absurd amount of Batsuits he has for every situation, and he just got a supernatural one to add to his list. Batman has fought many villains over the years, each one with unique powers that require unique methods to defeat, which is why Batman has prepared a Batsuit for every possible occasion.

Readers got to see the latest addition to Bruce’s Batsuit collection in Detective Comics #1068 by Ram V, Ivan Reis, and Rafael Albuquerque. Batman has recently been fighting against the Orgham Clan, a group of people who were the original owners of Arkham Asylum.

Batman Has a Silver Infused Suit

The Orgham Clan seems to be supernatural in nature, as they employ various demons and even werewolves to accomplish what they want. This has forced Batman to update his methods to fight them, including making an ultimate Batsuit to deal with the supernatural.

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Batman Has A New Batsuit For Fighting Werewolves

Batman in Detective Comics #1068

Batman has a large selection of Batsuits each for their own reason, he has suits designed to fight Mr. Freeze, the Justice League, and Darkseid. He also has suits made for being underwater, being in outer space, and so much more. This absurd versatility is part of what makes Bruce so dangerous because he’s prepared for every possible situation. But since Batman rarely fights against the supernatural, he’s had little reason to make a Batsuit that could fight against it, which is what makes this new addition to his arsenal so important. Especially since Batman’s new enemies are werewolves, which is not usually who Batman goes up against, Batman is more typically suited to fighting the super-powered as opposed to the supernatural.

This new enemy has been one step ahead of Batman throughout this entire story, crafting this new Batsuit was the first time Batman was able to take his enemy by surprise and gain an advantage over them, which shows just how powerful Bruce’s Batsuits really are. Because of Bruce’s first supernatural Batsuit, he was able to defeat the werewolf he was fighting, before being overwhelmed by the other mythical enemies in the Orgham’s employ, which means Bruce is likely going to make another suit or plan to take them down as well. Having a suit for the supernatural is really the only thing Batman has been missing from his arsenal, especially since other Batman villains have gained supernatural powers such as when Catwoman got powers.

Batman’s latest suit might be only a minor thing, just inlaying silver into his current suit, but it’s an important step forward for The Dark Knight, showing that he is capable of designing and using suits that are perfectly capable of fighting the other creatures of the night that lurk in Gotham City.

More: Batman Is the Phantom of the Opera in Gorgeous Cover Art Homage

Detective Comics #1068 is currently on sale from DC Comics!


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