Batman’s Desire for Vengeance Is Shared by Only 1 Person, DC Reveals – Armessa Movie News


Warning! Contains Spoilers For Batman: City of Madness #1!


  • Batman’s trusted butler, Alfred Pennyworth, admits to sharing Batman’s desire for revenge for the death of Thomas and Martha Wayne.
  • Alfred’s motivation for allowing Bruce Wayne to become Batman was driven by his own need for vengeance.
  • Alfred blames himself for the Wayne family’s death and believes he could have prevented it, leading to his desire for revenge.

Batman has represented many things over the years, including the idea of vengeance. Batman lost his parents to crime when he was very young, and he swore revenge against all those who would harm innocents. It turns out that Batman isn’t the only person who wants revenge for what happened to Martha and Thomas Wayne; recently, Alfred Pennyworth admitted that he wants vengeance, too.

Alfred’s true motivation for allowing Bruce Wayne to operate as Batman has been revealed in Batman: City of Madness #1 by Christian Ward and Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou. This story follows Batman dealing with Lovecraftian horrors arising from the city known as the Gotham Below. The story is juxtaposed with Alfred giving his opinion on his relationship with both Batman and Batman’s mental state.

In his musings, Alfred admits that part of why he allowed Bruce to become Batman was Alfred’s own desire for revenge for what happened to Thomas and Martha Wayne. This finally answers the question of why Alfred entertained the idea of Batman in a much more concrete manner than DC has ever allowed before.

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Alfred Admits That He Desires Vengeance Like Batman

Batman Stalks The Night

When Thomas and Martha Wayne were gunned down in Crime Alley, they left their only son in the care of Alfred Pennyworth, the family butler. This traumatic event is what inspired Bruce Wayne to use his resources and fortune to travel the world, learning from the best of the best, so he could one day return to Gotham City and fight crime. While Bruce’s mission eventually evolved to be one of inspiring hope and dealing justice to criminals, he was originally an avatar of vengeance, solely wanting to get vengeance for what happened to his family.

As Bruce’s legal guardian, why Alfred entertained these ideas for vengeance at all is one of the questions many fans have asked over the years. DC finally gives readers an answer with the admission that Alfred simply wanted revenge as much as Bruce did. Alfred worked with the Wayne family for years, was treated as a family member by them, and was absolutely heartbroken when they died. Several times Alfred has admitted that he blames himself for letting the Waynes go out that night. He believes that if he had been there, he could’ve prevented them from being killed.

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Alfred Goes to Bed While Waiting for Batman

Alfred Pennyworth is typically one of the kindest characters in the DC Universe, always there to offer moral support and an understanding ear, but he isn’t above being wrathful or wanting revenge. Alfred has famously dreamed of shooting and killing the Joker for all the damage he has caused to the Bat-Family. In one universe, Alfred Pennyworth even became the Spectre, the literal personification of vengeance. All of this goes to show that while Batman evolved into a symbol of hope and justice, his first desire was vengeance — and it was a desire shared by Alfred Pennyworth.

Batman: City of Madness #1 is on sale now from DC Comics!


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