Beast World Transforms Iconic Hero Into a World-Ending Threat – Armessa Movie News



  • Takeaway 1: Beast Boy’s traumatic experience has weakened his confidence with his shape-shifting powers, but a scientist forces him to confront his true potential.
  • Takeaway 2: “Beast World” is a Titans crossover event that introduces a powerful threat to Earth and Beast Boy must push his limits to become a force as terrifying as Starro.
  • Takeaway 3: Garfield Logan’s transformation into Starro the Conqueror will have consequences as he risks losing himself and his friends must save him before he causes irreparable damage.

A classic member of the Titans team is becoming the greatest threat to the DC Universe. An epic new crossover will transform the people of Earth into monsters and give a hero a terrifying new form.

During Day Two of San Diego Comic-Con 2023, DC Comics held its “Jim Lee & Friends” Panel to give fans a peak at books and events in the coming months. During the panel, the publisher provided details on the event series Titans: Beast World by Tom Taylor and Ivan Reis.

Beast Boy barely survived the events of Dark Crisis, suffering a brutal attack from Deathstroke and losing an eye in the process. With his confidence weakened, he’s been unable to hold the shape of the large and mighty animals that define him as a Super Hero. But when a scientist with nothing to lose needs Beast Boy’s powers for terrifying ends, Gar will have to face what truly makes him special…and save his own life in the process!

Under the Dawn of DC initiative, “Beast World” is the first Titans-oriented crossover that begins with Tales of the Titans #4 and continues into Nightwing, Titans, and the newly announced Titans: Beast World. The Necrostar, a monster from space threatens the Earth, and the only thing that can stop it is Starro the Conquerer. However, instead of the genuine article, Beast Boy pushes his limits to become a force as terrifying and powerful as Starro. But becoming a conqueror causes Beast Boy to lose himself in the process. To make matters worse, the Earth’s population are turning into monsters, and Amanda Waller is ready to do what she must in order to stop it.

Beast Boy Becomes DC’s Newest Starro the Conqueror

Beast Boy is one of the Titans’ oldest members and his powers to become any animal is known to fans far and wide. However, Garfield Logan has been through some serious trauma recently. During Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths, the hero was shot in the face by Deathstroke and spent some time in a coma. Since recovering, he’s struggled to use his powers like before, even as he’s stepped up with his friends to replace the Justice League.

However, the “Beast World” crossover makes it seem like Garfield is about to have a major breakthrough and become more powerful than ever. In the past, Beast Boy has been able to become alien animals and even creatures of myth. But a beast like Starro is a whole different ballpark. Starro the Conqueror is a giant hive mind that has gone toe-to-toe with the Justice League and nearly taken control of the planet numerous times (even succeeding in other timelines). Becoming something as powerful as Starro will certainly be a feather in Gar’s cap. However, in gaining more power than he’s ever had, Beast Boy is going to lose control and endanger his world.

Beast Boy is Saving the World by Sacrificing Himself

While the Necrostar no doubt poses a powerful threat to the DC Universe, Starro is just as bad. And while this new Starro is technically Beast Boy, it sounds like he loses himself in the process, meaning he may become just as much a conqueror as the original. Gar’s only hope in “Beast World” is that his friends can somehow break through and save him before Beast Boy loses his mind permanently, or worse, causes Amanda Waller to take a more decisive and lethal action. Fans can see what kind of transformation Beast Boy will undergo when the “Beast War” crossover kicks off in earnest with Titans: Beast World #1, on sale this November.


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