Best Decks For The Forbidden Forest – Armessa Movie News


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While there is no wrong way to build a deck in Harry Potter: Magic Awakened, as every card in the game can be viable, certain deck combinations are more likely to guarantee success in specific situations. For example, any player that has entered the Forbidden Forest will notice one type of card that doesn’t do as well there.



Compared to duels, where Summons Cards are a great thing to throw in the mix and highly recommended when it comes to the Forbidden Forest section of the game, they’re not as handy. In fact, upon engaging in the forest, players will likely even receive a recommendation from the game itself against using Summons and, instead, focusing on Spell Cards.

As players will unlock echoes by completing the Forbidden Forest Solo Explorations, it is up to the player to select the echo that works for them, depending on what they have available.

The Hermione Granger Deck

When it comes to a player’s deck, one important aspect is the companions. One in particular, Hermione Granger, can be incredibly helpful. Hermione Granger’s companion card allows her to copy any spell the player completes immediately after they perform it. This is a great way to get in some extra damage and have a little control over it. The other companion cards are up to the player, but it is recommended to use Daniel Page and Robyn Thistlethwaite. Players will, finally, want to round off their Card Deck in Harry Potter Magic Awakened with complimenting cards, including:

  • Weasley’s Wild-Fire Whiz Bangs
  • Phoenix
  • Swelling Solution
  • Time-Turner
  • Incendio
  • Essence of Dittany
  • Confringo
  • Sectumsempra

The Wizard’s Deck

Player and Character facing dragon in HP Magic Awakened

This deck does not necessarily center around any one card or companion, just around building a deck of good spells in Harry Potter: Magic Awakened, as recommended in the Forbidden Forest. Though a deck doesn’t have to consist of every card recommended for this deck, players should include as many listed here as possible. As long as players ensure they hold a well-rounded deck with solid companions, conquering the Forbidden Forest in Harry Potter: Magic Awakened should be no problem. The cards recommended for this deck are as follows:

  • Phoenix
  • Essence of Dittany
  • Sectumsempra
  • Bewitched Snowballs
  • Inflatus
  • Incarcerous
  • Atmospheric Charm
  • Incendio

As stated, players may swap out a card here or there as needed for this deck, but ultimately this is the best combination. Finish this deck off with the companions, Robyn, Cassandra, and Daniel, for a completed deck ready to go.


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