Black Mirror’s Demon 79 Recap: 6 Shocking Twists Explained – Armessa Movie News


WARNING: The following contains SPOILERS for Black Mirror season 6, episode 5 “Demon 79”.

Black Mirror season 6, episode 5 “Demon 79” possesses some shocking twists that need further explanation. The final episode of the most recent season of the highly-acclaimed dystopian and social-critiquing Black Mirror series breaks its usual theme of technological cynicism and dives into the supernatural and horror genres. “Demon 79” follows the story of Nida in Northern England in 1979, a sales associate who mistakenly summons a demon named Gaap who tells her she must commit three murders in three days to prevent the end of the world.

“Demon 79” presents an interesting moral dilemma akin to the classic “trolley problem” of philosophy, which was introduced in 1967 by Philippa Foot. The issue centers on the central question of whether someone should incite the death of a few to save the lives of many. Nida is convinced that she is doing the right thing by trying to kill three people in order to prevent a questionable apocalypse that Gaap warns her about, although ultimately she fails to prevent the end of the world despite her efforts.

RELATED: Demon 79 Ending Explained: What Happens To Nida & Gaap In Black Mirror’s Apocalyptic Horror Episode

6 Demon 79’s Tailsman Explained & How It Connects To Black Mirror’s White Bear

The mysterious domino-like talisman Nida finds in “Demon 79” is the vessel that invokes Gaap in the episode. Nida is instructed by her boss to take her lunch in the basement of the store she works at due to racially-charged complaints from her rude coworker. As a result, Nida enters the strange and cluttered basement where she ultimately comes across the talisman. She hears Gaap’s voice through the item which has the unique Black Mirror symbol on it that was first seen in season 2, episode 2 “White Bear”. The symbol has recurred several times throughout the series and is one of the most central Black Mirror season 6 Easter eggs that typically represents something malicious and powerful in several episodes.

5 Why Gaap Needs Nida To Complete The 3 Sacrifices

Black Mirror Demon 79 Gaap

After Nida accidentally summons Gaap from her pricked, bleeding finger by touching the talisman made of bone, Gaap appears in his true demon form before converting into a flashy television star. Gaap convinces Nida that he needs her to perform three murders before May Day in order to prevent him from being sent to a massive lifeless void of existence. He persuades Nida into thinking that she caused the problem by summoning him and setting the narrative into motion despite truly trying to save himself from eternal hell. There is no real encompassing rhyme or reason why the talisman incites the end of the world, but these are the rules set by Gaap, which is why Nida must complete the three human sacrifices.

4 Nida Wasn’t The First Person Needed To Stop The Apocalypse

Black Mirror season 6 Demon 79

When Nida initially finds the talisman in the store basement, she comes across newspaper clippings that imply that the founder of the store Geoffrey Possett murdered three people, essentially saving the world from the apocalypse before a previous May Day. Not much else is known about Geoffrey’s situation other than he was the last, and likely not the first, person who used the talisman to invoke Gaap or potentially some other demon who was trying to save themselves from entering an infinite nothingness. As it turns out, Nida seems to be the first person who failed to kill enough people to save the world, showing that the popular choice of the “trolley problem” in the Black Mirror episode has historically been to kill few to save many.

RELATED:Demon 79 Cast Guide: Every Actor In The Black Mirror Episode

3 Why Keith’s Murder Doesn’t Count As a Sacrifice, But Tim & Chris’ Deaths Do

Anjana Vasan terrified and up against a wall in the Black Mirror episode Demon 79

Keith’s murder doesn’t count as a sacrifice in “Demon 79” because he himself was a murderer. After Nida kills both Keith and his brother Chris on the same night, Gaap suspects that Nida completed her mission. However, after calling a bizarre demon customer service number, Gaap realizes that Keith is ineligible to be sacrificed because he directly killed someone and is considered off-limits. Gaap rationalizes the situation to Nida, saying that Keith was essentially playing for the home team of demons and is a protected interest of more powerful demons. Nida is allowed to kill good and bad people given that Tim was a sick and twisted person but since Tim didn’t kill anyone, he was still fair play, whereas Keith was not.

2 Demon 79’s Apocalypse Isn’t Completely Nida’s Fault

Demon 79 Black Mirror season 6

The eventual end of the world in “Demon 79” that Nida essentially causes is not completely Nida’s fault. She was very close to killing Michael and completing her mission however she was thwarted by police who obviously believed they were doing the right thing. Nida begins to appear maniacal and unwell in front of the police officers after she’s arrested, claiming that she was trying to kill Michael to save the world. While that is a completely ridiculous and terrifying conviction, it turns out to be true in the world of “Demon 79”. In the end, part of the blame for the apocalypse can be placed on the cops who didn’t and couldn’t possibly understand the overarching significance of Nida’s killing spree.

1 Why Nida Joins Gaap To Spend Eternity In Oblivion

Nida in Demon 79 Black Mirror season 6 episode 5

Nida ultimately joins Gaap to spend eternity in oblivion at the end of “Demon 79” because it’s the best possible thing she could do. With the earth and most of humankind likely being destroyed due to her failed mission, Nida’s options were incredibly slim. She could likely die on Earth in the apocalypse or join Gaap in a vast empty void of time and space where at least she would have a friend and companion. Nida seemingly wasn’t very happy or social in her previous life, which made it easy for her to leave everything behind and enter infinite oblivion with Gaap at the end of Black Mirror season 6, episode 5 “Demon 79”.


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