Bo-Katan Removing Her Helmet Again Massively Changes The Mandalorian’s Future – Armessa Movie News


Warning! This article contains SPOILERS for The Mandalorian season 3, episode 5.The Mandalorian season 3, episode 5 “Chapter 21 – The Pirate” featured an unmasked Bo-Katan Kryze once more. After being redeemed in the Living Waters on Mandalore, it seemed as if Bo-Katan planned to join Din Djarin’s covert and follow the old Way of Mandalore. In The Mandalorian season 3, episode 4, Bo-Katan proved her worth to the covert by saving Paz Vizsla’s son, Ragnar, from a large raptor. Not only did she learn the Children of the Watch’s ways, but she earned their respect as a Mandalorian.


Toward the end of The Mandalorian season 3, episode 5, the Armorer shockingly asks Bo-Katan to remove her helmet. At first, it seems like such an action would throw away Bo-Katan’s redefined relationship with the Mandalorian covert, since she would become an apostate for having shown her face – yet the Armorer insists. Despite her reservations, Bo-Katan recognizes the Armorer’s authority and does as she wishes. And so—by removing her helmet—she becomes an apostate once more to the covert. However, the Armorer does not shun or banish her, as she did with Din Djarin. Instead, she has something else in mind for Bo-Katan.

Related: Why Bo-Katan Wants The Mythosaur Symbol On Her Armor & What It Sets Up

Bo-Katan Must Unite The Tribes Of Mandalore

After brooding with herself for some time, the Armorer finally comes to the realization that Bo-Katan needs to be the one to unite and retake Mandalore. Initially, the Armorer ignored Bo-Katan’s Mythosaur revelation, believing that the songs of eons passed may never come true. But after seeing how easily Bo-Katan manages to win over the covert as a leader, the Armorer has a change of heart. She recognizes the potential Bo-Katan has, and understands that she can’t control her. So rather than try and force Bo-Katan to become something she isn’t, the Armorer allows her to remove her helmet.

According to the Armorer, Bo-Katan is unique in that she has now walked both ways. Bo-Katan was born to a royal house, served Death Watch for a time, and has also fought alongside the Rebellion in Star Wars Rebels. It was necessary for her to join the covert and fight among them, even for a brief time. By earning the covert’s respect and proving that she can follow the old ways of Mandalore, Bo-Katan completes her journey as a Mandalorian. She has now been a part of almost every Mandalorian faction in the Skywalker saga’s time period, giving her the ability to empathize with and unite them all.

The Armorer Knows Mandalorian Clans Will Not Agree

Bo-Katan Kryze and Paz Vizsla in The Mandalorian season 3, episode 5 .

From the beginning, the Armorer has dreamed of reinstating the old Way of Mandalore. She has studied the ancient songs and legends and has built the covert into a strong society that respects them. Nevertheless, she knows that the other Mandalorian clans continue to follow the newer ways of Mandalore and don’t care about removing their helmets. It’s impossible to try to convince them all to follow the Way, since many of them see the covert as nothing more than radical zealots. She wisely understands that in order for the Way to thrive, it must begin to tolerate the other Mandalorians who do not follow it.

The Armorer could very well have attempted to use Bo-Katan as a means to control and convince the other clans to follow the Way, but instead, she chooses to place the covert’s survival in Bo-Katan’s hands. She explains that the Mythosaur Bo-Katan saw is a sign that it is time for a new age of Mandalore. Up until this point, the Armorer envisioned the new age as one where all Mandalorians followed the Way. But now she sees it as one in which the different clans can live peaceably with one another.

Related: Every Mandalorian Clan That Could Appear In The Mandalorian Season 3

Nevarro Will Be A Staging Base For Retaking Mandalore

The Mandalorians fight pirates on Nevarro.

Not only did Bo-Katan earn the covert’s highest respect by saving a foundling, but she assists them and Din in helping rid Nevarro of Pirate King Gorian Shard. Because the Mandalorians chose to make a stand and fight, Greef Karga gives them a large tract of land. For the first time in ages, the Mandalorians will be able to live in public among common folk without the fear of being outcast or hunted for their beliefs. The covert now has a permanent home base that they can operate from, with Bo-Katan setting off to find more Mandalorians to join them.

The Armorer believes that the Mythosaur not only signifies the unification of all the Mandalorian clans, but also the retaking of Mandalore itself. After Bo-Katan has sought out and convinced the other clans to stand with the covert—without following their helmet laws—the next step is to reclaim Mandalore. If Bo-Katan is successful in her quest, then Nevarro will become the perfect striking base for them to return and reclaim their homeworld. In any case, Bo-Katan has been set up to become the next big leader in The Mandalorian, and the future for the covert has never looked brighter.

New episodes of The Mandalorian release every Wednesday on Disney+.


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