Brian Cox Throws Shade At Johnny Depp While Explaining Why He Passed On Pirates Of The Caribbean- Armessa Movie News


Character actor Johnny Depp has had a long career in film, with a number of truly iconic projects on his long resume. Recently he’s made countless headlines related to his legal battle with Amber Heard, despite the defamation verdict being announced a year ago. While both actors have been attempting to move on professionally, actor Brian Cox threw shade at Depp while explaining why he passed on Pirates of the Caribbean.

Brian Cox is known for voicing his opinion, sometimes jabbing other actors in the process. He critiqued Johnny Depp in his book, and that trend has continued with a new interview. While speaking with The Guardian about his long career, Cox reflected about some major roles he passed on. In addition to being given the chance to play Robert Baratheon in Season 1 of Game of Thrones, he also could have portrayed Jonathan Pryce’s role Governor Weatherby Swann in the Pirates movies. But he seemingly turned it down thanks to the character itself, as well as his opinion on Depp. As the Succession actor put it,

It would have been a moneyspinner but, of all the parts in the film, it was the most thankless. And Depp, personable though I’m sure he is, is so overblown – I mean Edward Scissorhands! Let’s face it, if you come on with hands like that and pale, scarred-face makeup, you don’t have to do anything. And he didn’t.


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