Buffy The Vampire Slayer’s Dark Willow Story Was Teased A Whole 4 Years Before It Happened – Armessa Movie News



  • Foreshadowing in Buffy the Vampire Slayer hinted at Willow’s dark turn, as Giles warned her about the dangers of using dark magic in season 2.
  • Willow’s transformation into Dark Willow was triggered by the death of her girlfriend, Tara, causing her to become consumed with grief and dark magic.
  • With the support of her friends in the Scooby Gang, Willow eventually reverts to her normal self by the end of season 6.

Television shows use foreshadowing all the time to drop hints to viewers about what’s to come, but Buffy the Vampire Slayer took it to a whole other level when one character predicted Willow Rosenberg’s dark turn four seasons beforehand. Willow, played by Alyson Hannigan, was Buffy Summers’ best friend throughout all seven seasons of the WB supernatural teen drama series, and she started practicing magic toward the end of season 2 and eventually became a powerful witch. However, Hannigan’s sweet and innocent character became not so sweet and innocent in season 6.

Willow became the secondary antagonist in Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 6 when she embraced her evil alter ego, Dark Willow. She absorbed too much dark magic and temporarily lost all her good judgment due to the evil forces controlling her every move. Willow was blinded by every negative feeling that one could have and became stronger than ever before. Thankfully, she had the support of the Scooby Gang, who were determined to save Willow from herself, and she reverted to normal by the season’s end.

Giles Gave A Warning That Hinted At Dark Willow In Buffy Season 2

Before Willow turned into Dark Willow, a moment in season 2 foreshadowed the Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 6 twist. While Willow was still in the beginning stages of learning how to practice magic, she contemplated utilizing the black arts to stop Angelus from awakening Acathla and, in turn, restore Angel’s soul in part 1 of the season 2 finale, “Becoming.” However, Giles was adamantly against Willow’s plan and told her, “Willow, channeling such potent magics through yourself, it could open a door that you may never be able to close.”

All talk about using dark magic immediately ceased, and the characters found another way to solve their Angel problem during the Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 2 finale. But the offhand comment from Giles was perhaps a clue regarding the Dark Willow storyline four years later, and viewers who rewatch the supernatural teen drama show might be able to pick up on the early foreshadowing of Willow’s evil twist. Related: 6 Major Characters & Actors Missing From Buffy The Vampire Slayer’s New Sequel

What Causes Willow To Become “Dark Willow” In Season 6

Willow and Tara embrace in Buffy the Vampire Slayer

The driving force behind Willow’s dark turn in season 6 of the popular television series was Tara Maclay’s death in episode 19, “Seeing Red.” A stray gunshot from Warren hit Tara in the back, instantly killing her. The immediate grief that Willow felt while holding her dead girlfriend in her arms was enough for her to become consumed with dark magic and transform into Dark Willow, as seen by her eyes turning dark red before the Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode ended.


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