Burt Reynolds: The Last Interview (2023) Film Review- Armessa Movie News


Rick Pamplin‘s documentary feature Burt Reynolds: The Last Interview is undeniably a cinematic jewel. This is the last time probably must of us will see Burt Reynolds being… well, Burt Reynolds. It has value like other memorable pieces of footage showing the last days of iconic film stars. Pamplin’s passion is magnetic, almost fierce, and he shows it amidst what must have been an occasion riddled with jitters and nervous laughs.

He’s also one very lucky man. Burt Reynolds: The Last Interview wasn’t aiming to be the last Reynolds interview. In fact, he was an active member of cinema academia as he taught acting in the school he created. Unfortunately, a heart attack arrived too early when Burt was 82-years-old and we just missed his appearance in Tarantino’s last film. This made Pamplin a fortunate man as he held in his hands the last piece of footage in which Reynolds officially starred. He could have made anything with it, including selling it and financing the rest of his film career. However, he decided otherwise and directed Burt Reynolds: The Last Interview.

Pamplin was in the middle of making a film about Hollywood finance. Reynolds was somehow a big part of this, and he thought Reynolds would make a great subject. Only Burt had other plans and decided to talk everything else but money. This is very noticeable as the film takes a direction of its own when Reynolds starts being the purest version of himself there ever was. When he’s open about things, he will talk. There are some he won’t talk about. But it’s OK. He’s entitled to. Nevertheless, this is one of Hollwood’s most humble stars. Perhaps, too humble when he shares stuff and right before those he says “I shouldn’t say this”. Pamplin could be receiving a scoop about a Hollywood secret, but Reynolds simply implies that his students are ready to go out and be follow-ups.

The film also includes a tour through Burt’s presence in Jupiter, Florida, and the very intimate circle he performed in. Little did we know the man was such an important figure in his field. Past his prime, but definitely relevant when it came to being a scholar in an area that didn’t quite recognize him as a talented actor. He was underrated, but it’s never too late to put him where he belongs.

This is exactly what Tarantino thought of when casting Reynolds in Once Upon a Time in . . . Hollywood. The director only met him a few times and decided to cast him in his latest film, which he didn’t get to do. Pamplin decides also to include Tarantino as a scholar and witness to Reynolds’ persona in the documentary. The result is an endearing gathering of admirers who can’t stop sharing what Reynolds means to every one of them.

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Federico Furzan

Founder of Screentology. Member of the OFCS. RT Certified Critic

Dog dad.


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– Armessa Movie News


