Captain Marvel’s New Nickname Exposes the True Darkness of Her Powers – Armessa Movie News



  • Captain Marvel receives a less than flattering nickname that acknowledges her dark and brutal past, highlighting her willingness to use extreme measures in battle.
  • Her new nickname recognizes the darkness inside her, but Captain Marvel proves she can rise above it by taking a more gentle approach with her opponents.
  • The issue features her fight against the alien Nada and her ally Nitro, who seek revenge on Earth and plan to return it to a pre-technological era, with only Captain Marvel capable of stopping them.

Warning: contains spoilers for Captain Marvel: Dark Tempest #4!

Captain Marvel has a new nickname, one that exposes the true darkness of her powers. Perhaps the strongest member currently serving in the Avengers, Captain Marvel has proven herself a capable leader. Strong and moral, Captain Marvel is an inspiration to many. Yet Carol has a dark side, and as seen in Captain Marvel: Dark Tempest #4, she receives a less than flattering nickname that acknowledges this.

Captain Marvel: Dark Tempest #4 is written by Ann Nocenti and drawn by Paolo Villanelli. The alien Nada has teamed up with Nitro and set their sights on Captain Marvel. The two villains have captured Carol, and Nada goads her, saying: “you could drag me into the sun and fry me. Shred me to bits.” Nada concludes by calling Captain Marvel “the gal with a thousand ways to kill.” Nada and Captain Marvel fight, with Carol quickly managing to subdue her.

Captain Marvel’s Oldest Foe is Helping Expose Her Dark Side

Since her first appearance nearly 55 years ago, Carol Danvers has held a variety of heroic identities, including Ms. Marvel and Binary, ultimately taking the name Captain Marvel. This proved to be the beginning of a meteoric rise for Captain Marvel, and she is now the chair of the Avengers. The new series Captain Marvel: Dark Tempest has seen one of her predecessor’s biggest foes, Nitro, come for her, allying himself with the alien Nada, whose planet was destroyed by pollution. Seeking revenge on Earth, she and Nitro plan to return Earth to a pre-technological era, and only Captain Marvel can stop them.

Captain Marvel is Not Afraid to Use Extreme Measures

Like most members of the Avengers, Captain Marvel has a code of ethics, one that by and large shuns lethal force. However, at times, she has shown herself willing to push the envelope and get downright brutal with her opponents. While fighting the time-traveling Ove in 2021’s Captain Marvel #26, she remarked how good it felt to cut loose on someone. During the Secret Invasion event, Carol, then calling herself Ms. Marvel, flew a Skrull into space, killing him instantly. While both of these were extreme examples that happened under incredible stress, they show that Captain Marvel can and will kill.

Related: How Did Captain Marvel Get Her Powers in the Original Comics?

And now, Nada has called Captain Marvel out on this. As Nada teases Carol, she acknowledges Captain Marvel’s dark and brutal past. She goads Carol further, listing out several violent scenarios Captain Marvel could inflict upon her. It is clear that Nada is merely trying to get under Captain Marvel’s skin, but by doing so, Nada is playing with fire. Captain Marvel could do all those things to her, but as seen in this issue, she does not, and instead takes a more gentle approach with Nada. While Captain Marvel’s new nickname recognizes the darkness inside her, Carol has proven she can rise above it.

Captain Marvel: Dark Tempest #4 is on sale now from Marvel Comics!


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