Carrie Fisher’s Sister Gets Candid About The Late Actress’ Struggles With Her Mental Health- Armessa Movie News


Generations grew up with Star Wars, with its leading cast remaining household names throughout the years. That includes the icon Carrie Fisher, who died back in 2016. Her legacy has been honored in the years since, especially her tenure playing Leia Organa. And Fisher’s sister recently got candid about the late actress’ struggles with her mental health. Let’s break it all down.

The SAG-AFTRA strike is still in full effect, with countless union members out of work for months now. As such, the union has been making strides to take care of its members during this strange time in the industry. Case in point: SAG-AFTRA’s website has revealed some mental health resources. In a new update by union treasurer Joely Fisher, she references the struggles that Carrie Fisher famously faced during her years in the public eye. As she put it:

My brilliant sister Carrie Fisher, who would’ve celebrated her 67th birthday tomorrow, wore her mental illness like a crown and scepter. When she departed, I took up the mantle of supporting humans who otherwise felt alone. What I didn’t know then was that a similar challenge and diagnosis would soon strike one of my children. The struggle is real. Navigating this world is hard enough without the burden of imbalance in the brain. As a mother, I am heartbroken not to be able to silence her pain. The irony was not lost that I might be a maverick in the mental health ‘space’ and not be able to help my kid. My purpose in sharing these intimate details is that one key to starting a journey to mental wellness is having a willingness to speak about your experience, hopefully with trusted people in your life or with qualified professionals.


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