Cecile McLorin Salvant Wins Edison Jazz Award For ‘Melusine’ @ Top40-Charts.com – Armessa Music News


New York, NY (Top40 Charts) Congratulations to Cécile McLorin Salvant, who has won the Edison Jazz Award in the Netherlands for International Vocalist for her new album, Mélusine, released earlier this year on Nonesuch Records. Salvant won the award in the same category last year for her Nonesuch debut album, Ghost Song.

Mélusine is a mix of originals and interpretations of songs dating as far back as the 12th century, mostly sung in French along with Occitan, English, and Haitian Kreyòl. They tell the folk tale of Mélusine, a woman who turns into a half-snake each Saturday after a childhood curse by her mother. “Anyone who thinks they already know the full extent of Cécile McLorin Salvant’s artistry should listen to Mélusine without further delay,” exclaims Jazzwise. “It’s a remarkable recording in several respects. Beautifully recorded, Salvant continues to confound and delight at every turn.” You can hear the album and buy it here.

Cécile McLorin Salvant’s label mate Julia Bullock won the Edison Klassiek Award for Solo Vocalist earlier this month for her Nonesuch debut album, Walking in the Dark. The ceremony for both classical and jazz awards will take place on October 9 at the AFAS Theater in Leusden, Netherlands. For details on all the winners, visit edisons.nl.

Salvant is in Colombia this coming weekend for the Festival Internacional de Jazz in Bogotá then returns to New York City for a residency at the famed Village Vanguard October 3-8. For all the details, visit nonesuch.com.

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function statusChangeCallback(response) {
// The response object is returned with a status field that lets the
// app know the current login status of the person.
// Full docs on the response object can be found in the documentation
// for FB.getLoginStatus().
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// Here we run a very simple test of the Graph API after login is
// successful. See statusChangeCallback() for when this call is made.
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console.log(‘Successful login for: ‘ + response.name);
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